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Updated: August 22, 2024

"That's where Giftie lived." "Want to see Giftie!" came from The Seraph, "and Colin." "Are you going to be good?" "Rather," said Angel. "Please take us." Another hansom was called. We were quite prepared to see it stop before the large square house where Giftie lived. It stopped. There was a clamour of barks from three Scottish terriers as we entered the gate.

Handsomebody once saw the dog nothing would induce her to send it away. And he brought offerings of raw meat in his pocket to make her plump and glossy. Giftie grew plumper and glossier every day. Then, when two weeks had passed, she achieved the crowning triumph of her stay with us.

But say your say. I suppose I'm red enough to be seen by my own light on a dark night. What does Bobbie say? "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us! "Well, well! I forgave you for the sake of Bobbie! Do you know his rhymes, lad?" A light shone in the eye of Harrigan. He began to sing softly in his musical, deep voice: "Ye banks and braes of bonny Doon "

Thus for the first, and perhaps only time in my life, I enjoyed the "giftie" of seeing myself as others see me. No need to dwell on the result. It brought a jar of discord, a pang of regret; it was not flattering, yet, after all, I ought to be thankful; it might have been worse. At last, we were seated in places commanding a good general view of that vast and dazzling, but warm and cheerful hall.

Handsomebody in a controlled voice but gripping the arms of her chair. Giftie brought the other. "Oh, Mrs. Handsomebody!" I implored, "please, please, let us keep them! They're as good as gold, and they'd guard the house and everything and maybe save you from drowning some time. Don't take them from us, pl-ease!" The Seraph, in sympathy, began to cry.

"Autobiography is one of the most interesting and valuable kinds of composition; but autobiography can never be accepted in lieu of biography, because to no man is the giftie given of seeing himself as others see him.

We look at ourselves through coloured glass, and are apt to take the most favourable view of our own peculiarities "O, wad some power the giftie gie us, To see ourselves as others see us." There are rules in dress, as there are in painting, which, if observed, will prevent our making "frights" of ourselves.

Angel picked up his pup and held it against his breast. "Silence!" rapped out Mrs. Handsomebody. "Mary Ellen, fetch The Times. And just look in the scullery to see that all is quiet there. Fetch the bag left by the robber." Mrs. Handsomebody sipped her bitters while Mary Ellen did her behests. Each of us cuddled his own puppy, and Giftie began an energetic search for a flea.

The caretaker turned to the admiring children. "Ilka morn he fetches 'is bit bane up, thinkin' it a braw giftie for an ill man. An' syne he veesits me twa times i' the day, juist bidin' a wee on the hearthstane, lollin' 'is tongue an' waggin' 'is tail, cheerfu'-like. Bobby has mair gude sense in 'is heid than mony a man wha comes ben the hoose, wi' a lang face, to let me ken I'm gangin' to dee.

In a second I had Giftie in my arms; her little, hard wriggling body pressed to my breast; her little red tongue showing between her pointed white teeth. She was wild with the joy of welcoming us, but Colin walked solemnly away, his tail very much in the air. The third dog I felt sure was one of Giftie's pups.

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