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Once when Bob's feet became confused and he tumbled headlong over a foot-stool Jessie laughed so heartily and long that he had to throw all the couch pillows at her to make her hush. In such wise life was speeding for them on the day when Bob Babbitt first felt the power that the giftie gi'ed him. But let us get back to our lamb and mint sauce.

Mrs. Handsomebody's face was a mask. She said composedly: "Well, get the bitters and then bring in the dog." Mary Ellen did as she was bid. Enter now Giftie, tail up, ears pricked, the picture of conscious well-doing. She went straight to Mrs.

As I don't want to talk to a growly bear, I think, if you'll excuse me from polite conversation, I'll meditate for awhile." "Meditate on your sins; it'll do you good!" Patty opened her blue eyes wide and stared at the speaker. "Why," she said, "to meditate, one must have something to meditate on!" "And you think you haven't any sins! Oh, would some power the giftie gi'e us!"

It was an imposing house in its own grounds; large clipped trees stood about; and a bent old gardener was doing something to one of those, while a tall grey-haired woman in mannish tweeds superintended the work. A Scottish terrier, fit mate for Giftie, was digging furiously at the root of the tree.

Burns's "giftie," "to see oursel's," etc., we all, more or less, need. I told Hattie the other day that I thought some parts of your letter did you very great credit, but that the monomania of the North has fallen upon you, and that you have it, as it seemed to me, in one of its worst forms. Some it makes fierce, others, flat, according as the victim is, naturally, more or less amiable.

Tam, in ferocious playfulness, tried to show us all part of his body at once. But when we overcame him, and pinned him down, he lay limply, with his tongue out at one side, and the promise of many a future romp in his roguish brown eyes. Giftie brought a woollen bedroom slipper from upstairs to worry for our amusement. Even Colin grew friendly.