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Updated: August 8, 2024

Then, noting the elapsed time, he could estimate the distance at which the pursuers followed. "I reckon they're gainin' on him," was Sanderson's mental comment when an hour later he saw the first rider appear for a moment on the sky line, vanish, reappear for an instant, only to be followed within a few minutes by the figures of the other men.

"If we can keep out o' their way," muttered he to his fellow oarsman, "only twenty minutes longer! By that time yonder breeze 'll be down on us; and then we'll ha' some chance. There be no doubt but they're gainin' on us now. But the breeze be a gainin' on them, equally, if not faster. O if we only had a puff o' yonder wind! It be blowin' fresh and strong.

I kin afford to lose a thousand charge it up to investigatin'.... My, jest think of gainin' five thousand dollars jest by settin' down and takin' it." "It's the way money is made," said Mr. Peaney. "How'd I know I'd git the money?" Scattergood asked, with sudden doubt. "Why, you'd see it," said Pansy, with another grimace at Peaney. "You put your thousand dollars on the counter, and Mr.

Brer Rabbit kep' on gainin', en bimeby he dart in a brier-patch, en by de time Miss Cow come long he had his head stickin' out, en his eyes look big ez Miss Sally's chany sassers. "'Heyo, Sis Cow! whar you gwine? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Howdy, Brer Big-Eyes, sez Miss Cow, sez she. 'Is you seed Brer Rabbit go by?

She's gainin' here, and she likes it. That's why I never told her you was chargin' us about double what you charge these rich folks." The manager stiffened. "I regret exceedingly, sir, that you take it this way. But there is nothing more to be said, is there?" It was with a heavy heart and a heavy tread that Briskow returned to his room.

"You understand, I was just as sartin' that I was on your trail as Soot was that he was gainin' on ye; so we both worked our purtiest. I've been studyin' up this trailin' business ever since we struck this side of the Mississippi, and I'd calculated that I'd larned something 'bout such things.

"I canna help it, Leeby," said Jess. "Na, an' I canna bear to think o' Jamie bein' mairit. It would lay me low to loss my laddie. No yet, no yet." "But, mother," said Leeby, quoting from the minister at weddings, "ye wouldna be lossin' a son, but juist gainin' a dochter." "Dinna haver, Leeby," answered Jess, "I want nane o' thae dochters; na, na."

All the time we could hear the great beast thunderin' after us, yet we daren't slacken our pace; no, sir, not even enough to take a single glance behind just to see which was gainin'. It was a sure case of life or death, but principally death; an' you can depend on it we wasn't takin' any chances.

"You're not gainin' ground with him at all events," said his mother; "ever since that Crazy Jane affair he's changed for the worse towards both of us, or ever since the robbery I ought to say, for he's dark and has something on his mind ever since." "I'm in the dark there myself, most amiable of mothers; however, as I said just now, I say time will develop."

"Well, Chips, what is the best news you have to tell us?" "The best news?" echoed Chips, with a solemn shake of the head; "there ain't no best, Mr Courtenay, it's all worst, sir; there's over four foot of water in the hold now, and it's gainin' on us at the rate of five inches an hour; and if this here gale don't break pretty quick I won't answer for the consequences!"

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