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At the time of which I write they were known as the Erongos, so named after a famous chief of the Gainin Bushmen, who had made something of a stand there against the invading Damaras that eventually "ate up" both him and his tribe.

He holdin' back a lot o' t'ings. "He's gainin'! doggone my cats, he's gainin'! an' dat hoss o' his'n gwine des ez stiddy ez a rockin'-chair. Jim allus was a good boy. "Confound these spec's, I cain't see 'em skacely; huh, you say dey's neck an' neck; now I see 'em! now I see 'em! and Jimmy's a-ridin' like Huh, huh, I laik to said sumpin'.

As a condition prior advised by the barkeep, an' one which also recommends itse'f to me as dictated of the commonest proodence, I figgers on gainin' your views of these steps." ""You does well," I replies, "to consult me on them p'ints. I sees you're shore a jo-darter of a lawyer; for you handles the language like a muleskinner does a blacksnake whip.

"Wal, you see it's low tide now." "The tides again!" "Yes; it's allus the tides that you must consider here. Wal, it's low tide now, an the tide's already on the turn, an risin. We've got to anchor." "Anchor!" "Yes." "What, again?" "Yes, agin. Even so. Ef we didn't anchor we'd only be drifted up again, ever so far, an lose all that we've ben a gainin.

Little dust clouds began to show behind them, scattered over a line miles long. "Garvey and his Apaches!" the Texan jerked out. "And they're gainin' fast." "Can we beat 'em to Mexican Tanks?" "No," The Kid drawled, "but we can fight!" They soon saw the hopelessness of it all. The horizon behind them swarmed with moving dots dots that grew larger and more distinct with every fleeting minute.

"I think she was mighty lucky to git it to pay the interest with, but she's probably like all the Randalls; it was easy come, easy go, with them." "That's more than could be said of the Sawyer stock," retorted Mrs. Perkins; "seems like they enjoyed savin' more'n anything in the world, and it's gainin' on Mirandy sence her shock."

I could hear the shouts of the men, the roar an' cracklin' of the flames, an' see 'em creepin', creepin', gainin', gainin'-! Oh, it was wonderful an' there I was right in my own bed, all the time. It was just the way he told it. That's why I know he could have been a writer. He could make others see everything. But now that's all over now. He'll never be anything. I can see him.

His duties comprehended not only the selection of the course but also an eagle vigilance before and behind, so that when he came again with a peculiar whine, Barry leaned a little from the saddle and spoke to him anxiously. "D'you mean to say that they been gainin' ground on us old boy?" Black Bart leaped sidewise, keeping his head toward the master, and he howled in troubled fashion.

I shall have Deb one week out of six." "I shall come," answered Unity. "Where is Deb?" "She is asleep. She cried herself to sleep." "Chillern cry jes' fer nothin' at all," put in Mammy Chloe. "Don' you worry, honey! Miss Deb's all right. I's gwine wake her now, an' wash her face, an' slip on her li'l white dress. She's gwine be jes' ez peart an' ez happy! My Lawd! Miss Deb jes' gainin' a brother!"

Why, me bucko, 'tis me old college chum he is. Come on with me and we'll give him the glad hand. "He grabs Jonadab by the arm and starts along the sidewalk, steerin' a toler'ble crooked course, but gainin' steady by jerks. "'I was on me way to Kelly's place now, says he. 'And here it is. Sure didn't I bate the bookies blind on Rosebud but yesterday or was it the day before?