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"My nigger cook Sukey," said the landlord, "told me that Gin'ral Brereton told her the ole lady wuz mortal sick o' the small-pox an' that when he went aboard the pest-ship, she wuz so weak it did n't seem like she could be moved, but he an' the doctor got her safe ashore, an' when he last hearn, 'bout the first o' the year, she wuz gainin'."

It troubled her as she returned to the house, and she was glad that Williams came in to take supper with them, for his talk of the mine diverted her and deeply interested her husband. Williams eyed his boss critically. "You're gainin', Captain. You'll soon be able to make camp again." "I hope so, but the doctor says my heart's affected and it wouldn't be safe for me to go any higher for a while."

'Wait till ye hear fr'm th' Germans, he says. Th' nex' booletin said Swift was gainin', an' had tin thousand majority. 'Niver mind, says Maloney. 'Th' Germans 'll wipe that out, he says. Thin we heerd it was twinty thousand f'r Swift. 'Glory be, says Maloney, 'th' Germans is slow comin' in, he says.

It was nothing a child could have put it out with a bucket of sand. But upon it fell Tedge and the engineer, stamping, shouting, shoving oil-soaked waste upon it, and covertly blocking off the astounded black deckman when he rushed to aid. "Water, Hogjaw!" roared the master. "She's gainin' on us she's under the bilge floor now!" He hurled a bucket viciously at his helper.

"'Nacherally we-alls follows; Jaybird leadin', a-whoopin', an' a- shootin', an' throwin' no end of sperit into it. It's a success, this piece of wit is, up to this juncture, an' Jaybird puts a heap of zest into it. "'The weak spot in all this yere humor grows out of the idees this tenderfoot's been gainin', an' the improvements he's been makin', while stragglin' about in our s'ciety.

For some time his father would not drop him, though I told him he was quite dead; but his weight kept him from runnin' fast, an' we heard the redskins gainin' on us, so at last Macdonell put the boy down tenderly under a bush. Me and Wapaw stopped to fire an' keep the reptiles back, but they fired on us, and Wapaw fell. I tried to lift him, but he struggled out o' my arms.

What it was he was "gainin' on," did not appear, for the weight of his thoughts had brought him to a dead-stand, a few feet from the fence, on the hither side of which was the animal he contemplated riding.

The officer and three or four marines continued to load and fire, until the boat was out of the harbor, when a strong breeze struck her sails and sent her spinning over the water. "Huzzah! huzzah! we are gainin' on' em now!" cried Sukey, flourishing his gun in the air. The British fired half a dozen more shots at the fleeing boat; but the bullets began dropping behind.

"Go it, Miss, the little dude is gainin' on you!" shouted by a drunken teamster to the frightened Consuelo, once checked me in mid career. Even the dear girl herself saw the uselessness of my real presence, and after a while was content to ride with "my soul."

"I saw as it was all up; the redskins war but fifty yards behind, and were gainin' fast upon us. So I says, 'Thar's your father, Miss, ride on for his sake, then I turns my horse, and, with a pistol in each hand, I rides back at the redskins.