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Again they strolled on, talking, plunging into details, till Flaxman's pulse beat as fast as Robert's; so full of infectious hope and energy was the whole being of the man before him. 'I can take in the women and girls now, Robert said once. 'Catherine has promised to superintend it all. Then suddenly something struck the mobile mind, and he stood an instant looking at his companion.

You ask about my uncle's monument: I can tell you nothing about it at present; it is where the memory of the public, the perseverance of the projectors, Flaxman's genius, and John Kemble's fame are. Do you know where that is? No more do I. CRAVEN HILL, BAYSWATER, June 8, 1827.

On the last morning of Mr. Flaxman's stay in the valley he entered the Burwood drive about eleven o'clock, and Rose came down the steps to meet him. For a moment he flattered himself that her disturbed looks were due to the nearness of their farewells. 'There is something wrong, he said, softly detaining her hand a moment so much, at least, was in his right. 'Robert is ill.

'How tiring this is! How long did it take, Mr. Flaxman? 'Exactly three minutes, he said, his gaze fixed upon her with an expression that only Lady Helen noticed. 'So little! Good-night, Lady Charlotte! and giving her hand first to her hostess then to Mr. Flaxman's bewildered sister, she moved away into the crowd.

Our daylight hours were, in great measure, passed in making and receiving calls from Mrs. Flaxman's friends, who seemed very quick to find out she was there, and in visiting the huge dressmaking and dry goods establishments which she patronized.

"My dear, I do not know any one who has more leisure to pray for themselves than you have." I was surprised to hear her speak so lightly on such a solemn subject; but as I thought the matter over afterward, I could but acknowledge that she had answered me just as I deserved. Mrs. Flaxman's fears were realized.

Flaxman's mind, he will perhaps find small cause to regret that Rose did give him a great deal of trouble. Nothing could have been more 'salutary, to use his own word, than the dance she led him during the next three weeks.

The discipline may have been hard, but it was wholesome. Happily, young Flaxman's skill in design had reached the knowledge of Josiah Wedgwood, who sought him out for the purpose of employing him to design improved patterns of china and earthenware. It may seem a humble department of art for such a genius as Flaxman to work in; but it really was not so.

Forgive me forgive us all. Nothing will induce me to preach the sermon of our opening day. And if you will not, who will, or can?" Rose meanwhile descended upon the Rectory, and with Flaxman's help, though in the teeth of Anne's rather jealous opposition, she carried off Meynell to Maudeley, that she might "help him write his letters," and watch for a week or two over a man wearied and overtaxed.

I telegraph to Helen she knows my ways and I come down to protect you against an atheistical mob to-morrow night! Robert tried to dissuade him. He did not want Flaxman. Flaxman's Epicureanism, the easy tolerance with which, now that the effervescence of his youth had subsided, the man harbored and dallied with a dozen contradictory beliefs, were at times peculiarly antipathetic to Elsmere.