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'Murray Edwardes has promised himself heart and soul to the work. If necessary, he will give up his chapel to carry it on. But we hope it will be possible to work them together. What a brick he is! What a blessed chance it was that took me to that breakfast party at Flaxman's! The rest of the time before departure he spent almost entirely in consultation and arrangement with Edwardes.

"Oh, yes; and of Titania and Bottom of course, but that was only a dream Mr. Bovyer is a very solid reality. But I must not stay here gossiping. Mr. Winthrop will be waiting for my description of the music." I slipped into my own room to lay aside my wraps, still smiling over Mrs. Flaxman's childish ideas respecting Mr.

In the weeks which followed weeks often of mental and physical depression, caused by his sense of personal loss and by the influence of an overworked state he could not be got to admit Elsmere owed much to Hugh Flaxman's cheery sympathetic temper, and became more attached to him than ever, and more ready than ever, should the fates deem it so, to welcome him as a brother-in-law.

This brutal statement did not seem to him to represent the just and candid account he had given Miss Walker of Miss Flaxman's abilities. "Some one's been misreporting me, I see," he returned. "But anyhow, on the ice, Miss Flaxman, it's you who are the Professor; I who am the pupil. So I offer you a fair revenge."

It may be worth while to notice here a similar series of reliefs upon the façade of the Colleoni Chapel at Bergamo, representing scenes from the story of Adam in conjunction with the labours of Hercules. Ruskin's Modern Painters, vol. ii. chap, vii., Repose. See Flaxman's Lectures on Sculpture, p. 310.

So she sat alone this hot afternoon, haunted by presentiments, by vague terror for herself and him; while the child tottered about her, cooing, shouting, kissing, and all impulsively, with a ceaseless energy, like her father. The outer door opened and she heard Robert's step and apparently Mr. Flaxman's also.

I do not know any more truly realistic pictures of certain aspects of New England life than are to be found in Judd's "Margaret," wherein are depicted exceedingly pinched and ignoble social conditions. Yet the characters and the life are drawn with the artistic purity of Flaxman's illustrations of Homer. Another example is Thomas Hardy's "Far from the Madding Crowd."

Flaxman's smile, however, was almost immediately drowned in a real concern. She clasped her hands, excitedly. "Oh! my poor Catharine! What would she what would she say?" Meynell and his companion had taken a footpath winding gently down hill and in a northwest direction across one of the most beautiful parks in England.

'I have made a muddle as usual, she said to herself in disgust, 'perhaps even a worse one than I thought! Whatever might be Hugh Flaxman's state of mind, however, he never showed greater self-possession than on this particular evening. A few minutes after Rose's entry he introduced her for the first time to his sister Lady Helen.

Flaxman's hand on the curtain over the door, till now the feature in the entertainment most to be counted on, were, generally speaking, conspicuously absent.