Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 17, 2025
Vessels were lading for various home ports, fishing craft were going out on their ventures, even a whaler had just fitted up for a long cruise, and the young as well as middle-aged sailors were shouting out farewells. White and black men were running to and fro, laughing, chaffing, and swearing at each other. There lay the East Indiaman, with her foreign flag as well as that of her country.
The wind was steady from the north-east the day they sailed, so that the watchers from the shore must soon have lost sight of them. No doubt the boats of all the ships in the Sound came off to give the adventurers a parting cheer, or, should they need it, a tow to sea. No doubt the two ships were very gay with colours and noisy with the firing of farewells.
They all went away at the same time, those in carriages calling farewells to each other and to the little processions departing on foot in different directions to homes near by. The sound of the voices and laughter drew away, slowly died out altogether, and the silence of the street was strange and unfamiliar to Betty.
'I don't let you off, mind, under a week; and undertake that you shall see everything worth seeing. If you've come down for a country life, come to me, and I'll give you plenty of it. Joe damn that boy, he's gone to sleep again Joe, help Tom put in the horses. The horses were put in the driver mounted the fat boy clambered up by his side farewells were exchanged and the carriage rattled off.
The following day's journey, was one that few can take, and deem their time misspent. Mossy cliffs flowing cascades "chiefless castles breaking stern farewells" all these were met, and met again, as through Brixen, they reached the village of Muelks.
He could see the violet eyes, tear laden, the lithe, slender, figure of his wife in the glory of her perfect womanhood the sturdy little body of his child, barelegged, browned, hair tumbled, waving frantically a tiny little square of muslin and shouting farewells at the highest pitch of childish treble.
It was really hard work to hold him in the boat. We were now ready to pull off. Farewells were waved and cheers given, and I think the last strains we heard were "For he's a jolly good fellow." It was not easy getting away from the ship, and it looked rather alarming as we descended and mounted with the waves.
My reluctant farewells had been said, my gracious entertainers had grown dim upon the wharf; and the Atlantic was greeting our ship with boisterous welcome. For the Atlantic is far travelled and loves to surprise those Southern shores with the waves of Northern waters. One by one the passengers retired from the deck, some with slow dignity, some with solemn haste, and some with volcanic candour.
When she had finished, without reading the missive over, she went and placed it with a flat leather jewel-case on her pillow beside Paul. And soon she commenced a madness of farewells all restrained and gentle for fear he should awake. "My love, my love," she wailed between her kisses, "God keep you safe though He may never bring you back to me."
The men on the shore filled the air with good-luck farewells and last advice, but the three hundred grubless ones, turning their backs on the golden dream, were moody and dispirited, and made small response. The Laura backed out through a channel cut in the shore-ice, swung about in the current, and with a final blast put on full steam ahead.
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