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Barnes sat for two exasperating hours on the porch and listened to the confident, flamboyant oratory of Mr. Lyndon Rushcroft. His gaze constantly swept the line of trees, and there were times when he failed to hear a word in whole sentences that rolled from the lips of the actor.

He knew that for four days past it had been undergoing all the training of suggestion; there had been the fever of the long journey, the excitement of the new landscapes, the days spent before the splendour of the Grotto, the sleepless nights, and all the exasperating suffering, ravenous for illusion.

I stared at our visitors in some perplexity; and then in the most exasperating manner they turned away and ran across our ground to a huge hollow stump near the forest path and began to play. "Pretty tough, eh?" murmured Mac, rocking himself. I began to wonder whether I ought to have been more indignant about that reflection upon my height.

The chief's on to yer, he is!" "They expect an escape," I whispered. Smilax nodded. His face was grave. Then came a most exasperating moment, when I hugged the ground so close that my body felt no thicker than a playing card. The men, each picking up a rifle, stepped into the punt and paddled to our side.

"Wa'al, th' man on th' seat pulled up when he see me," spoke the farmer with exasperating slowness, "an' asked me how far it was t' th' Waterville station, an' I told him." "Why didn't you say so at first?" asked Tom quickly. "Why didn't you tell us they were heading for the railroad?" "You didn't ask me," replied the farmer. "What difference does it make."

I gave it as my opinion that the troops, so far from overawing, were exasperating the populace. I suggested I'm sure you'll agree with me that the suggestion was wise in fact I urged very strongly that the troops should be kept out of sight to-day under arms and ready for emergencies but out of sight. I am in great hopes that the people will settle down quietly.

On this neck of land the hostiles had taken position, as I soon learned by frequent shots, loud shouting, and much blustering; they, by the most exasperating yells and indecent exhibitions, daring me to the contest. After getting well in hand everything connected with my little command, I advanced with five or six men to the edge of a growth of underbrush to make a reconnoissance.

Petersburg." "Oh, these heroes! Are they not exasperating, Frona? But what about the reindeer-stealing and the greasy princesses?" The Gold Commissioner's wife beamed upon him, and glancing for permission to Frona, he went on. "The coast people were Esquimo stock, merry-natured and happy, and inoffensive. They called themselves the Oukilion, or the Sea Men.

He was with much difficulty hoisted on the sloop, in a sad state, as may be believed, vomiting water through his nose, mouth, and ears, and thoroughly ashamed of his accident, which the Emperor's jokes contributed to render still more exasperating. Towards the end of our stay the generals gave a magnificent ball to the ladies of the city, at which the Emperor was present.

He shook my hand with mock solemnity, and, seating himself upon the edge of the table, proceeded to roll a cigarette with exasperating deliberation. "I infer," said he, "that our learned brother is practising parlour magic upstairs, or peradventure he has gone on a journey?" "He has a consultation this morning," I answered. "Was he expecting you?" "Evidently not, or he would have been here.