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I cert'ny slipped t'roo dat 'cordion Gineral Jackson am er stretchin'! How many on de oder side, sah? 'Bout er half er million." Fremont telegraphed and wrote to Washington. "The condition of affairs here imperatively requires that some position be immediately made strong enough to be maintained. Reinforcements should be sent here without an hour's delay.

Mary Ellen could not restrain a smile, but it did not impinge upon the earnestness of the other. "Yas'm, Miss Ma'y Ellen," she continued, again taking the girl's face between her hands. "Gord, he say, it hain't good fer man toe be erlone. An' Gord knows, speshul in er lan' like this yer, hit's a heap mo' fitten fer a man toe be erlone then fer a 'ooman.

Kennedy did not dwell on the contradiction, but added, "And the crowd?" "Strangers, too." "Dr. Maudsley is your family physician?" he questioned. "Yes." "Did he call er yesterday?" "He calls every day to supervise the nurse who has Junior in charge." "Could one always be true to oneself in the face of any temptation?" he asked suddenly. It was a bold question.

"My wife er made the arrangements with him, Sara," he said, but added quickly: "With my sanction, of course. He reports to me. As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, he advised me to say nothing to my wife until he had talked with me." "Inasmuch as he has already talked it over with me, through counsel, I don't see any reason why we should betray his gentle confidence, do you?"

"Peter says you ain't worth nothing to him alive, but that your dead body will fetch us a hundred thousand marks." "Rather cheap for a king, isn't it?" was Barney's only comment. "That's what Herman tells him," replied Yellow Franz. "But he's a close one, Peter is, and so it was that or nothing." "When are you going to pull off this little er ah royal demise?" asked Barney.

"What is it?" he asked in a pleasant voice, and Cora noticed how white and even his teeth were. "We er I that is, we I want to learn some points about my new car," she stammered. "It's a " "I understand," replied the handsome chap. "I will be very glad to show you.

"I do think it would be a good plan, and we must do it if we can get this person's leave Yes, and do it quickly before we change our minds, or something interferes. Everyone would think we were perfectly mad, but as it suits us both, that is no one's business Only you are rather young and er I don't know Greenbank. You are sure he is horrid?" The girl clasped her hands together with force. "Sure!

One thing was she was always making fun of people, and for another she seemed to be able to tell their thoughts, and that don't get anybody liked much, especially when they don't keep it to theirselves. She'd been a lady's maid all 'er young days, and it was very 'ard to be taken for a witch just because she was old. "Fine day, ma'am," ses Joe Barlcomb. "Very fine," ses Mrs. Prince.

She is a good deal perturbed on his behalf er because " "I do not want to know any more than I am able to gather from the extraordinary epistle I received from her this morning. What I should like to know is, did you agree to come here on this errand, knowing who I was?"

Are sacred Vows of Marriage made your sport? Regard me well, Erminia, what am I? Er. Alcip. But why, Erminia, did you give it so? Er. T'obey a King and cruel Father too. A Friendship, Sir, I can on you bestow, But that will hardly into Passion grow; And 'twill an Act below your Virtue prove, To force a Heart you know can never love. Alcip.