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We may have to leave here very suddenly." No time was lost in "getting themselves together," as Harriet had expressed it. Fortunately, having gone to bed with their clothing on, there was little preparation to make. This completed, at Miss Elting's direction the girls moved off in a body, secreting themselves in the shadows some distance from the light of the campfire, but within sight of it.

Jane obeyed Miss Elting's command promptly. The guardian, using her wet handkerchief, cleared Harriet's mouth by keeping the tongue down to admit the air. "Work her arms back and forth. We must set up artificial respiration," she directed. Jane, without any apparent excitement, began a steady movement of the patient's arms, bringing them together above the head, then down to the sides.

We shall be taking a great chance in undressing her in the open air, but the fact that Harriet is in such splendid condition should go a long way toward pulling her through. I wish we had a blanket to wrap her in. However, we shall have to do with what we have." Jane kept steadily at her work, her eyes fixed on the face of the patient. She made no reply to Miss Elting's words.

They wondered what wrong their enemy might feel had been done him to make him thus vengeful. The girls did quite believe that the man of the green goggles, Miss Elting's caller, was either directly or indirectly concerned in the various mysteries, but that was as far as they could go toward a solution. One by one the campers rolled up in their blankets and went to sleep.

"As I understand our arrangement, we have the privilege of expressing our choice in all matters that come up, Miss Elting's decision being final. What a glorious place this is!" "Aren't we going to explore our Island of Delight now?" demanded Jane. "It is your discovery yours and Harriet's," was Miss Elting's smiling reply. "Suit yourselves as to exploring it."

Then there were the tent, blankets and cooking utensils to be looked after. Of course, the guide would carry much of this dunnage, yet our girls were no weaklings, and no one of them expected to shirk carrying her fair share of the load. It was after nine o'clock when Harriet and her chums finished the making-up of the packs. Soon after a clerk knocked on the door of Miss Elting's room.

I shall write to my brother at once and tell him just what sort of man you are." Dickinson cringed at Miss Elting's severe words and fairly slunk from the guardian's presence at the close of the interview. The village constable and one of his men returned to the camp with Miss Elting and the boys to take charge of the Indian.

"Well, I swum!" muttered Janus, combing out his whiskers with the spread fingers of his right hand. "So did I," laughed Harriet. "That's why I'm here." "Tell us how you escaped. Can't you see, we are hardly able to believe that it is really you?" was Miss Elting's excited reply. "It's myself, and no other, as Jane would say.

Come in, Harriet. What did you wish?" Harriet did not reply. Instead, she gazed perplexedly at the retreating form of Miss Elting's late caller. "You'll be sorry you ever took up with that hound," flung back the fellow, turning as he was about to step out on the veranda. Miss Elting made no reply.

We haven't come far enough. Why didn't we think of that before we turned into this road?" "If I knew where you wanted to go, I might be better able to answer that question," reminded Jane. But the guardian was not to be caught in Crazy Jane's trap, though it was too dark to reveal the quizzical smile that wrinkled Miss Elting's face. "I am not sure that I know myself, Jane," was her reply.