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Yer couldn't see more nor the length of your own nose, he said it was edication you wanted. As for 'im, 'ee said, 'ee'd have kep' it for you if you'd asked him, but you'd been like a bear with a sore 'ead, 'ee said, ever since Mrs. Moulsey's affair so 'ee didn't suppose you would." "Well, 'ee's about right there," said John, grimly; "ee's talkin' sense for onst when 'ee says that.

So then he tole me I wasn't to say nothin' to the ladies, nor the girls, nor anybody. An' 'ee'd done summat wi' the sack I dunno what. But 'ee might ha' held 'is tongue last night about sheep-dip! Who's been dippin' sheep about here? 'As Miss Henderson got any ruddle anywhere about the farm? I know she ain't! an' Muster Hastings knows she ain't."

Searle, as made the coffin, told her as ee 'adn't made one such an extry size since old Harry Flood, the blacksmith, fifteen year ago. Ee'd soon a done for Jim Hurd if it 'ad been fists o' both sides. But guns is things as yer can't reckon on.". "Why didn't he let Hurd alone," said Marcella, sadly, "and prosecute him next day?

There ain't much to make a child 'appy in that 'ouse. Westall, ee's that mad about them poachers over Tudley End; ee's like a wild bull at 'ome. I told Isabella ee'd come to knockin' ov her about some day, though ee did speak so oily when ee wor a courtin'. Now she knows as I kin see a thing or two," said Mrs. Jellison, significantly.

His mouth expanded into the broadest of grins and he coloured to his ears when he caught sight of Hannah. "Ecod Hannah, my gal, if the sight o' 'ee baint good fur sore eyes. I'm in luck sure-ly. Fi' minutes more an' 'ee'd ha' found me gone. Dang me if 'ee baint bonnier than ever." "Don't 'ee talk silly, Giles Topham. Keep your nonsense for Hester Roberts." "Hester Roberts!

"I understand," Jack said significantly. "Jack," and she again spoke hesitatingly "I wish ee'd carry off all they books out o' thy little room. There's scores of 'em, and the smallest would fetch a glass o' beer.

"I want to start Jerseys," said Ishmael boldly; "I'm sure the better quality of the milk will more than make up for the greater cost of the stock." "Jerseys! ... well," said John-James, startled, "that's a new idea, surely. I don't knaw where 'ee'd get a bull to serve en. Hav'ee thought on that?" "I don't see why I shouldn't have a bull myself.

Grimstone 'ee'd ha' managed it for me. I'd a worked extra I could ha' done it if it 'adn't been for Timothy. If you'll 'elp an you'd oughter, for yer are my 'usband, whativer yer may say we could pay John back some day. Yo can go to 'im, an to Watson, an say as we'll pay it back yo could, Isaac. I can take ter the plattin again, an I can go an work for Mrs. Drew she asked me again lasst week.

"Well! they 'klow-towed' around there for an hour looking for clues, but I'd hid all the signs of Kink, so finally they strapped me onto a horse and we hit back for the fort. "The little man tried all kinds of tricks to make me loosen on the way down, but I just acted wounded innocence and 'Ee'd' and 'Ah'd' at him till he let me alone.

Fust, there isn't the work to be got, and then yer git out of the way o' wantin it. An beside, I'm used to im. When Janey no, it were Sue! were seven month old, he come in one night from the public, an after ee'd broke up most o' the things, he says to me, 'Clear out, will yer! An I cleared out, and Sue and me set on the doorstep till mornin.