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Gould va venir passer huit jours ici; je trouve amiable de sa part de bien vouloir venir s'etablir a Kew pour etre pres de moi; mon oncle viendra peut-etre aussi. "Je vais me plaindre un peu, tout doucement, de la petite cherie de Pre-Charmoy; elle n'ecrit pas assez souvent a son mari qui recoit toujours ses lettres avec tant de plaisir.

'Doucement doucement! said my uncle, with a smile at once amused and compassionate. 'Doucement! ma chère. With great hands and cunning eyes uplifted, Madame tearfully for her tears came on short notice again protested her absolute innocence. She had never in all her life so much as heard one so villain phrase. 'You see, my dear, you have misheard; young people never attend.

Mademoiselle's little finger stuck up sharply like a steeple, her mouth said, "Oh Oh " Fraulein's smile was at its widest, waiting the issue. "Nein," triumphed the Australian, causing a lull. "Leise, Kinder, leise, doucement, gentlay," chided Fraulein, still smiling. "Hermann, yes," proceeded the Australian, "aber Hugo ne!"

We were mistaken in this, however, for the captain suddenly jumped on a gun, and gave his orders with a fiery energy that startled us. "Leroux!" A small French boy was at his side in a moment. "Forward, and call all hands to shorten sail; but, doucement, you land crab! Man the fore clew garnets.

"Turn this great slush-bucket out of my room!" cried Mr. Jorrocks, as the Countess rushed into his apartment. "Vot's he doing here?" "Doucement, mon cher Colonel," said she, clapping him on the back, "he sall be my brodder." "Never such a thing!" roared Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing him as he spoke. "Never such a thing! no more than myself out with him, I say, or I'll cut my stick toute suite directly!"

We could hear Charles's polite compliments to Jimmie on his driving, and Jimmie's awful French, as he assured Charles that the horses were all right, "très gentils" and "très jolis." "Ne dites jamais 'doucement' aux chevaux américains. Dites 'whoa, et ils arrêteront, et quand vous dites 'Giddap, ils marcheront bien. Savez?"

"But if you write," said I, "I must have your letters; and I will have them: ten directors, twenty directresses, shall not keep them from me. I am a Protestant: I will not bear that kind of discipline: Monsieur, I will not." "Doucement doucement," rejoined he; "we will contrive a plan; we have our resources: soyez tranquille." So speaking, he paused. We were now returning from the long walk.

Every one has enemy; you will learn all that so soon as you are little older, and without cause she is mine. Come, Maud, speak a the truth was it not miladi Knollys who sent you here doucement, doucement, so quaite to my door is it not so, little rogue? Madame had confronted me again, and we were now standing in the middle of her floor.

Aheer is forty short days from Ghat, the Soudanese merchants who visit the Ghat mart always travelling much more doucement and in jog-trot style than the Moorish and Arab merchants of the north.

The secretary dropped his pen, and shot a frightened glance at his slumbering master; then raised his hands above his head, and shook them wildly at the head lackey. "Sh!" he whispered tragically. "Doucement, Monsieur Anselme." Anselme paused. He appreciated the gravity of the situation. His bearing lost some of its dignity; his face underwent a change.