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Quelle philosophie a pu lui donner assez de force pour le supporter, et ne pas s'en plaindre? quelle energie tous cea faits ne prouvent-ils pas? The visit which the proud wife of the High-Chancellor Cocceji had made to the still prouder dancer, had brought the trembling and irresolute heart of Barbarina to a conclusion.

Riccoboni wrote to Garrick on May 3, 1769: 'Dans notre brillante capitale, dominent les airs et la mode, s'attendrir, s'émouvoir, s'affliger, c'est le bon ton du moment. La bonté, la sensibilité, la tendre humanité sont devenues la fantaisie universelle. On ferait volontiers des malheureux pour goûter la douceur de les plaindre. Garrick Corres. ii. 561.

That is why, in my twentieth year, I amused myself at the expense of Monsieur Petit-Radel and his chronological table; and that was why, the other day, at the Luxembourg, my young and irreverent friend... "Rentre en toi-meme, Octave, et cesse de te plaindre. June 6. It was the first Thursday in June.

Gould va venir passer huit jours ici; je trouve amiable de sa part de bien vouloir venir s'etablir a Kew pour etre pres de moi; mon oncle viendra peut-etre aussi. "Je vais me plaindre un peu, tout doucement, de la petite cherie de Pre-Charmoy; elle n'ecrit pas assez souvent a son mari qui recoit toujours ses lettres avec tant de plaisir.

"L'ai-je vu se troubler, et me plaindre un moment? En ai-je pu tirer un seul gemissement?" Ashamed of her late weakness, our heroine rallied all her spirits, and resolved to meet her husband at supper with an undaunted countenance. Her provoking composure was admirably prepared: but it was thrown away, for Mr. Bolingbroke did not appear at supper.

C'est le naturel des artisans de se plaindre et de gronder." Well might Father Le Jeune write to his Superior, "The harvest is plentiful, and the laborers few." These men aimed at the conversion of a continent. From their hovel on the St.

He was conscious of a certain suave sweetness and melancholy in the swing of the lines, though they did not appeal to him very forcibly. "En un cruel orage On me laisse perir; En courant au naufrage Je vois chacun me plaindre et mil me secourir, Felicite passee Qui ne peux revenir Tourment de ma pensee Que n'ai-je en te perdant perdu le souvenir!

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