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Without the least profit to this present, or to any other Enterprise; though persons of name in Jurisprudence call it meritorious in their Science; the first real attempt at a Code in Modern times. But the truth is, this Cocceji CODEX remained a PROJECT merely, never enacted anywhere. In 1773, the thing must again be mentioned; the "Second Law-Reform," as they call it.

At a subsequent period, Barberina decided on declaring her marriage with Cocceji; she drew her money from the English funds, purchased a fine mansion, and went to live with the said Cocceji there, giving up the Opera and public pirouettes. But this did not answer either.

Well, General Cocceji, followed by the whole court, hurried to the mill; and when they arrived, there was Kosinski standing before the door with a drawn sword in his hand. He let in the general, and there on the floor, in the miller's shirt, lay the king fast asleep.

"Truly, you wished to remain incognito, and you would not leave your equipage with its coat of arms, standing before my door! I thank you once more for the honor of your visit, and commend myself to you with the glad wish that we may meet again." "Never more!" said Madame Cocceji, casting a withering look upon the gay dancer, and hastening from the room.

At first the miller took them to be robbers, but after a great deal of begging, he let them in. Then the king tore a leaf out of his pocket-book, and wrote a note to General Cocceji.

Ritter Party, Prince's Party, Towns' Party; always two or more internecine Parties: 'False Parliament you: traitors! 'We? The Prussians had needed to be quietly swift, on that 25th day of May, 1744. "And truly they were so; Cocceji having all things ready; leading party-men already secured to him, troops within call, and the like.

It was a well-directed javelin. The tin dish struck the father guardian exactly in the back he lost his balance, and fell to the earth. The Prussiani greeted this heroic deed of their chief with shouts of triumph. "So shall all the Teresiani perish!" The battle waxed hotter and fiercer, the air was thick with missiles. "They will murder each other!" cried the prior, turning to the Baron Cocceji.

"Collini gazed upon the Alpine chasms, and shaggy ice-palaces, with tender memory of the Adriatic; courageously steered his way through the inoffensive guttural populations; had got to Berlin, just in this time; been had to dinner daily by the hospitable Barberinas, young Cocceji always his fellow-guest, 'Privately, my poor Signorina's Husband! whispered old Mamma.

By her insolent bearing she roused my pride, until it overshadowed even my despair, and I heard no other voice. So, sire, I married Cocceji! I have taken refuge in this marriage, as in a safe haven, where I shall rest peacefully and fear no storm.

Barbarina stood radiant in grace and beauty, and smiled bewitchingly upon Cocceji. "Go on," said suddenly the clear, commanding voice of the king, as he nodded to the poor youth, who disappeared behind the curtain. "Go on," said the king again. The music commenced, and Barbarina, raising her garland of roses, swam like an elf over the boards. The audience thought not of her grace and beauty.