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'Now, boys, I'm for my bed, said Amos, shaking the dottle from his pipe. 'Mr Tombs, I'll conduct ye the morn over the Brigend works, but I've had enough clavers for one evening. I'm a man that wants his eight hours' sleep. The old fellow saw them to the door, and came back to me with the ghost of a grin in his face. 'A queer crowd, Mr Brand! Macnab didna like what ye said.

In the subsequent smokes the ashes, "dottle," were saved, being placed in a small depression in the floor, but were not again put in the pipe. "Wí-ki took the live ember from Ká-tci and placed it in the large opening of the pipe, on the leaves which filled its cavity.

"Weel," returned Mrs Mellis, with a curious mixture of deference and conscious sagacity in her tone, "a' 'at I tak upo' me to say is Think ye twice afore ye lippen to that Jean o' yours." "I lippen naething till her! I wad as sune lippen to the dottle o' a pipe amo' dry strae. What saw ye, Mistress Mellis?"

For twal year hev a' been hoosekeeper in this manse, an' gin it hedna been for peety a' wad hae flung up the place. "Ye never cud tell when he wud come in, or when he wud gae oot, or what he wud be wantin' next. A' the waufies in the countryside come here, and the best in the hoose is no gude eneuch for them. He's been an awfu' handfu' tae me, an' noo a'coont him clean dottle.

Sighing, P. Sybarite rose and knocked the ashes delicately from his pipe saving the dottle for a good-night whiff after the theatre. Being Saturday, it was the night of ham-and-beans. P. Sybarite loathed ham-and-beans with a deathly loathing. Nevertheless he ate his dole of ham-and-beans. He sat on the landlady's right, and was reluctant to hurt her feelings or incur her displeasure.

It lost nothing in the telling Kelly wasn't that kind of man he told them what Toddles had done, and he left nothing out; and he added that they had Toddles on a mattress in the baggage car, with a doctor they had discovered amongst the passengers looking after him. At the end, Carleton tamped down the dottle in the bowl of his pipe thoughtfully with his forefinger and glanced at Donkin.

He rapped his pipe against the hatch-combing to dislodge the dottle, and got to his feet. I thought he was going to leave me without replying to my query, but after he had taken a step or two he spoke over his shoulder, softly. "That's true what I said about the money, Jack. It's there, just waiting for a few lads of nerve to come and take it."

She put in her hand, an' pu'd it oot. That's what's makkin' her look sae ill." "But what was it she found?" "Did I no tell ye? I'm ga'en dottle, I think. It was a glove, a woman's glove, in a bit paper. Ay, though she's sittin' still she's near frantic." I said I supposed Jess had put the glove back in Jamie's pocket. "Na," said Leeby, "'deed no.

He knocked out the dottle, refilled the bowl and lighted the tobacco. "You should have seen this island when I came. These natives die too fast. Ah, if I could only get labor, I could make this valley produce enough for ten thousand people. I could load the ships with copra and cotton and coffee."

Under the hammer heaven knows what she would have fetched, but she was his wife, or the only female thing that stood in that relationship to him. He tapped the dottle out of his pipe, then he took a pouch from his pocket and began to refill and the girl, seeing his condition, drew him aside, asking Raft to wait for her.