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Somebody he must have been a tailor, or with sartorial proclivities has said that there is a silver lining to every cloud. And so we all of us hold hands, which, among deuces and treys, have some court-cards. Let us not then inveigh against the goddess who blindly distributes them.

Wine, women and the deuces wild was his specialties, and when little wifie tried to read the riot act to him at 3 a. m. he just naturally told her where she got off. And on occasions, when the deuces hadn't been runnin' his way, or the night had been wilder than usual, he was quite rough about it. Yet she'd stood for that sort of thing nine long years before applyin' for a decree.

"I can't swing but a quarter of a million to save me; possibly only two hundred thousand," regretted Bouncer. "If you'd like to carry a little more I'll let you have the money, Colonel," offered his bitter enemy of the bony fist. "Thanks, Mort," returned the colonel gratefully. "However, it is not necessary to display the fact to the entire gathering that I now have a pair of those deuces."

She bobbed her head, most anxious for his gravity now that she was not sure whether it was real or not. "I knew that must be it," she argued seriously. "I thought it must be, anyway. I just feel safe with you. And yet I don't want you ever to believe, either, that I am deliberately playing. It's just oh, in my heart I know that you haven't any more than those two deuces, and and the deal is mine.

His merits as well as his defects annoyed them equally: his "Lettre contre les Spectacles" had exasperated Voltaire, the stage at Deuces as in danger. "It is against that Jean Jacques of yours that I am most enraged," he writes in his correspondence with D'Alembert: "he has written several letters against the scandal to deacons of the Church of Geneva, to my ironmonger, to my cobbler.

For he had drifted about the earth like a log-end in the Atlantic, before his Lordship gave him his present berth. We passed, too, whole mornings at picquet, I learning enough of Horace to quote at the routs we both attended, but a deal more of kings and deuces. And as I may add, that he got no more of my money than did I of his. The wonder of it was that we never became friends.

The deakin that was with Ma got the jack of spades and three aces and a deuce, and Ma got some nine spots and a king of hearts, and Ma nearly fainted, cause she didn't get a better hand, I spose. The preacher got a pair of deuces, and a queen of hearts, and he looked up at Pa as though it was a misdeal, and a old woman who sat across the aisle, she only got two cards, but that was enough.

"They tell us it is blowing outside." "Just what I was coming to tell you, my dear. We must be going. Where are the doctor and Aunt Margaret?" "Getting ready," said Bill, quietly. "Have a good game?" The old man smiled. His bronzed face indicated extreme satisfaction. "Not half bad, boy not half bad. Relieved Lablache of five hundred dollars in the last jackpot. Held four deuces.

"My dear Brice," expostulated Hade, a trifle wearily, "if we were playing poker, and you held four aces to my two deuces- -would you waste breath in explaining to me that I was hopelessly beaten? I'm no fool. I gather that you've marched my men off to jail. May I ask why you made an exception of me? Why did you bring me back here?" "Can't you imagine?" asked Brice. "You say you're no fool.

Good-humoredly he said: "You were queens both of you! The others were only deuces!" "I'd be sure to think that, anyway!" laughed Fanny. "So would anybody with good eyes," he went on. "Honest I never saw so much paint on a bunch of women in my life! When it comes to complexion, they make the crowd at the French Maids' Ball look like a lot of schoolgirls just out of the convent."