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Updated: August 4, 2024

Then Reverend, he seen that wouldn't work, so he cut it short, and he says wery loud, 'Trust the Lord! Now, ole Adam Oberholzer in his business dealin's and speculatin' was always darned particular who he trusted, still, so he looked up at Reverend, and he says, 'Is he a reliable party? Well, by gum, I bu'st right out laughin'! I hadn't ought to seein' it was Adam's death-bed and Reverend him just sweatin' with tryin' to work in his job to get him conwerted till he passed away a'ready.

Why, here oncet " the doctor paused to chuckle at the recollection "when I got there, Reverend was wrestlin' with Adam to get hisself conwerted, and it was one of Adam's days when he was at his deefest. Reverend he shouted in his ear, 'You must experience religion and get a change of heart and be conwerted before you die! 'What d' you say? Adam he ast.

Taking a little bit of blue ribbon with a pin attached to it from his pocket, he coolly fixed it on Mrs Mooney's breast. "There," said he gravely, "I promised Bob that I'd make as many conwerts as I could, so I've conwerted you!" Utterly regardless of her conversion, Mrs Mooney suddenly sprang from her seat and made for the door.

But I didn't get to go this year yet." "Well, and don't you get affected too?" the doctor asked, "and go out to the mourners' bench?" "If I do? No, I go just to see 'em jump," she monotonously repeated. "I wasn't never conwerted. Mister he's a hard Evangelical, you know." "And what does he think of your unconwerted state?" the doctor jocularly inquired. "What he thinks?

There's nothing to think," was the stolid answer. "Up there to Bethel rewiwal," said Mr. Getz, "they don't stay conwerted. Till rewiwal's over, they're off church again." "It made awful funny down there this two weeks back," repeated Mrs. Getz. "They jumped so. Now there's the Lutherans, they don't make nothin' when they conwert themselves. They don't jump nor nothin'. I don't like their meetin's.

John Effingham, sir," interrupted Saunders, "Mr. Monday is awake, and so werry conwalescent I fear he will not live long. The ship herself is not so much conwerted by these new spars as poor Mr. Monday is conwerted since he went to sleep." "I feared this," observed John Effingham, rising. "Acquaint Captain Truck with the fact, steward: he desired to be sent for at any crisis."

Shrig with his placid smile, "I vere a champion buzman, ah! and a prime rook at queering the gulls, too, but I ewentually turned honest all along of a flash, morning-sneak covess as got 'erself conwerted." "What do you mean by a morning-sneak covess?" "I means a area-sneak, sir, as vorks werry early in the morning.

Seeing the greasy appearance of these Hebrew strangers, Mr. Beadle was for denying them admission. But one whispered into his ear, "We wants to be conwerted, gov'nor!" another slips money into his hand, Mr. Beadle lifts up the mace with which he was barring the doorway, and the Hebrew gentlemen enter. There goes the organ! the doors have closed. Shall we go in, and listen to Mr.

"Robert Arnold, the sentence of this here court is that you'm to be turned for'ard and conwerted into a `hordinary seaman, to do a hordinary seaman's dooties, and to receive just exactly the same treatment as you've sarved out to the hands since this here ship sailed from Hold England, namely, more kicks than ha'pence. And the Lord have mercy on yer miserable carcase!"

He likewise did add, that, having ceased to draw as a Roman, Mim had made proposals for his going in as a conwerted Indian Giant worked upon by The Dairyman's Daughter.

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