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Updated: January 24, 2025

Effingham was so attentive to the wishes of his daughter, as never to ask a guest to his house, that he thought would prove disagreeable to its mistress. "I shall do myself the pleasure to write to Captain Ducie, this evening, urging him to honour us with his company," returned Mr. Effingham.

We have known you for years, and receive you into our family with as free a welcome as we could receive any precious boon from Providence." "Mr. Effingham! dear sir," said Paul, almost gasping between surprise and rapture "this is indeed beyond all my hopes and this generous frankness too, in your lovely daughter "

"Were it merely to save myself, Miss Effingham, do you really think me capable of this baseness?" "I do not call it baseness. Why should we draw you down with us in our misery? You have already served us, Powis, in a situation of terrible trial, and it is not just that you should always devote yourself in behalf of those who seem fated never to do you good.

At the opening of the war Barry offered his services to Congress, and in February, 1776, was put in command of the Lexington. When the British captured Philadelphia, Barry took the Effingham up the river; but she was burned by the enemy.

John Effingham would hazard all the French gloves in his trunks, against all the English finery in yours, that the inquisitor just hinted at gets at your secret before we arrive. Perhaps I ought rather to say, ascertains that you are not Mr. Sharp, and that Mr. Blunt is." Her companion entreated her to point out the person to whom she had given the sobriquet she mentioned.

"She has had plenty of choice among all sorts of men. It was not the title. She would not have accepted Chiltern unless she had . But what is the use of talking of it?" "They had known each other long?" "Oh, yes, as children. And the Earl desired it of all things." "Ah; then he arranged it." "Not exactly. Nobody could arrange anything for Chiltern, nor, as far as that goes, for Miss Effingham.

We won't say anything about him, will we? Have you seen much of the Earl?" This she asked as though such a question had no reference whatever to Lord Chiltern. "Oh dear, alas, alas!" "You have not quarrelled with him too?" "He has quarrelled with me. He has heard, Miss Effingham, of what happened last year, and he thinks that I was wrong." "Of course you were wrong, Mr. Finn." "Very likely.

"I shall now show you, Sir George Templemore," said John Effingham, "what is peculiar to this country, and what, if properly improved, it is truly worth a journey across the ocean to see. You have been at the Royal Exchange in London, and at the Bourse of Paris, but you have never witnessed a scene like that which I am about to introduce you to.

Bragg, for neither of these political mushrooms could conceive of the dignity and fair-mindedness with which a gentleman could view an affair of this nature. "They passed a set of resolutions, Mr. Effingham;" Aristabulus resumed, with the gravity with which he ever spoke of things of this nature. "A set of resolutions, sir!"

"The Milady Dorchester," as she was called among the people, was of the famous line of the Howards, daughter of that Earl of Effingham who refused in 1776 to draw his sword against the liberties of his fellow-subjects in America. At her table many a scathing dissertation on the nobodiness of nobodies had been given the youthful gentry of the Province, a fact not unknown to Germain.

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