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Turning to Brett she explained: "He calls me a crow, and says it is a compliment, but I don't like it." "In Japan the clow speaks with the voice of love," grinned Jiro. "Well, it sounds funny in London, so just attend to this gentleman. He has come to see you on business." Mrs. Jiro forthwith seated herself to listen to the conclave.

I hear he came near losing his entire wheat-crop lately. Warren Mead's cows broke into the field one day last week it was the very day the Germans captured the Chemang-de-dam, which may have been a coincidence or may not and were making fine havoc of it when Mrs. Dick Clow happened to see them from her attic window. At first she had no intention of letting Mr. Pryor know.

I don't want to send dust flying all over the lawn. Faith enjoyed the rug shaking. To stand on Hezekiah Pollock's tombstone, flapping and shaking rugs, was real fun. To be sure, Elder Abraham Clow and his wife, driving past in their capacious double-seated buggy, seemed to gaze at her in grim disapproval. "Isn't that a terrible sight?" said Elder Abraham solemnly.

Whereupon some of them hearing that the action was so much commended, and that the Mayor made no search about it, saies, that was my work with James Smith the Londoner, Jack Dove the Kentishman, and Sanny Clow the Scotch man. Upon this they were all four apprehended in the night, and very cleaverly clapt by the heels, &c.

Martin Clow, who was not visiting on Sunday but had dropped in to borrow Susan's cure for rheumatism that being cheaper than getting one from the doctor. "I'm afeared we're going to have an airly winter," foreboded Cousin Sophia. "The muskrats are building awful big houses round the pond, and that's a sign that never fails. Dear me, how that child has grown!"

Clow came with a glass of milk, Faith and Jerry and Carl sneaked off to the pantry, and John Meredith went into his study, where he sat in the darkness for a long time, alone with his bitter thoughts. So his children were bringing themselves up because there was "nobody to do it" struggling along amid their little perplexities without a hand to guide or a voice to counsel.

Fifteen minutes later the document was solemnly signed on Hezekiah Pollock's tombstone, on the centre of which stood the smoky manse lantern, while the children knelt around it. Mrs. Elder Clow was going past at the moment and next day all the Glen heard that the manse children had been having another praying competition and had wound it up by chasing each other all over the graves with a lantern.

Looking over the current issues of the religious press, I notice a sermon on the war by Professor Clow, in which the Allies are, in harmony with his test, described as "the vultures of God." Germany, it seems, is the prey, and Germany's sins are painted black.

Julia Clow has been teaching it since Myra took ill, but she's going to town for the winter and we'll have to get somebody else." "I heard that Mrs. Laurie Jamieson wanted it," said Anne. "The Jamiesons have come to church very regularly since they moved to the Glen from Lowbridge." "New brooms!" said Miss Cornelia dubiously. "Wait till they've gone regularly for a year."

But it hurt her that Minnie and Adella Clow did not wave back. Faith liked Minnie and Adella. Next to the Blythes, they were her best friends in school and she always helped Adella with her sums. This was gratitude for you. Her friends cut her because she was shaking rugs in an old graveyard where, as Mary Vance said, not a living soul had been buried for years.