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The smith paused to push the glowing tobacco farther into the bowl of his pipe; and his audience, listening intently, almost started at the resounding smack Slaughter gave his thigh as he exclaimed "I told yer! Bli'me! I told yer." "Go on, Bill," Marmot said impatiently. "Never mind the pipe. Let's have the yarn."

'You look pale, said one of a group to her one day. 'You're overworkin' yerself, you are, said another. 'Married life don't agree with Liza, thet's wot it is, added a third. ''Oo d'yer think yer gettin' at? I ain't married, an' never like ter be, she answered. 'Liza 'as all the pleasures of a 'usband an' none of the trouble. 'Bli'me if I know wot yer mean! said Liza.

They'd be astonished tae hear the sort of talk goes on in the gallery of the Pav., in London just for a sample. I've heard! "Gaw bli'me, Alf 'oo's this toff? Comes on next. 'Mr. Arthur Andrews, the Celebrated Shakespearian Actor." "Never heard on him," says Alf, indifferently. And so it goes. Mr.

'That's wot they all says; but, Lor' bless yer, they don't mean it. 'Well, I've got three, and I'm not goin' to 'ave no more bli'me if I will; 'tain't good enough that's wot I says. 'You're abaht right there, ole gal, said Polly, 'My word, 'Arry, if you 'ave any more I'll git a divorce, that I will. At that moment an organ-grinder turned the corner and came down the street.

There's the place and the wire was cut, too! It wasn't an accident. But I was sure of that as soon as I found the line wasn't working." Sure enough, the wires were dangling. And there was something else. Just as they stopped they heard the voices of two men. "There's the break, Bill," said the first voice. "Bli'me, if she ain't cut, too! Now who did that?

He told them, in exchange for the ride, of the explosion and the flood that had probably followed it. "Bli'me!" said the soldier, surprised. "Think of that, now! What will they be up to next those Germans? That's what I'd like to mow! Coming over here to England and doing things like that! I'd have the law on 'em that's what I'd do!" Harry laughed.

'Yer might give us a chanst, Liza, you come aht with me one evenin'. You oughter give us all a turn, just ter show there's no ill-feelin'. 'Bli'me if I know wot yer all talkin' abaht. You're all barmy on the crumpet, said Liza indignantly, and, turning her back on them, made for home. Among other things that had happened was Sally's marriage.

I don't believe you like me at all, Liza, or you'd come. She turned towards him and put her arms round his neck. 'Yer know I do, old cock, she said. 'I like yer better than anyone else in the world; but I can't go awy an' leave mother. 'Bli'me me if I see why; she's never been much ter you. She mikes yer slave awy ter pay the rent, an' all the money she earns she boozes.

The following evening about six o'clock, it suddenly struck her that it was the last night of the 'New and Sensational Drama'. 'I do like thet Jim Blakeston, she said to herself; 'fancy treatin' me like thet! You wouldn't catch Tom doin' sich a thing. Bli'me if I speak to 'im again, the . Now I shan't see it at all. I've a good mind ter go on my own 'ook.

"Six hours 'e's kep' me there, an', bli'me, I'd sooner do six months quod," the weary tramp explained, when the Master had been roused and Finn called off. On the morning of his third day at Nuthill it was that Finn first met the Lady Desdemona.