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"Indeed," responded a known voice that, namely, at whose bidding the work of death had been staid "indeed, Mr Lawson, we are friends and not foes; and, whilst our cattle, which are a little blawn, with the haste into which they were hurried by old Walter here until the beasts bite, I say, and eat their corn, we will e'en thank God, and take a little whet of the creature.

'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

The saughs tossed an' maned thegether, a long sigh cam' ower the hills, the flame o' the can'le was blawn aboot; an' there stood the corp of Thrawn Janet, wi' her grogram goun an' her black mutch, wi' the heid aye upon the shouther, an' the girn still upon the face o' 't, leevin', ye wad hae said deid, as Mr. Soulis weel kenned, upon the threshold o' the manse.

The Disarming Act had been obeyed in the usual style: old useless weapons were given up to the military. But the spirit of the clans was not wholly broken. The song expressed the feelings of the people: The wind has left me bare indeed, And blawn my bonnet off my heid, But something's hid in Hieland brae, The wind's no blawn my sword away!

"Private M'Sumph, I see you are down for a new pack. Where is your old one?" "Blawn off ma back, sirr!" "Where are your puttees?" "Blawn off ma feet, sirr!" "Where is your iron ration?" "Blawn oot o' ma pooch, sirr!" "Where is your head?" "Blawn I beg your pardon, sirr!" followed by generous reissues all round.

Or, if you wad raither wait a wee while, till this trouble has blawn by that is bothering you, I'm quite agreeable to wait." "It'll never blaw by, Rob," she sobbed. "Oh, dinna ask me ony mair. I canna be your wife noo, an' I jist want to be left alane!" The pain and despair in her voice alarmed him. It was so keen and poignant, and went to his heart like a knife.

The crittur was so busy with her work that she looked as if, though the last trumpet had blawn, she would just have cried, 'I canna come till my ironing's done! Ay, I went ben without a word." But best of all was to see Grizel "redding up" on a Saturday afternoon. Where were Tommy and Elspeth then?

"It micht be some sair, she wad be thinkin' doobtless, for sic a waik worn cratur to lift whan the trump was blawn," said the sexton, with the feeble laugh of one who doubts the reception of his wit.

"My husband be gwaine to take this matter into his awn hands now." Inspector Chown laughed. "That's gude, that is! now he 'm blawn upon!" "He 's gwaine to give himself up he caan't do more," said Phoebe, turning to her father who now reappeared. "Coourse he caan't do more. What more do 'e want?" the miller inquired. "Him," answered Mr. Chown.

The wind blew as 'twad blawn its last The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed Loud, deep and long the thunder bellowed; That night a child might understand The de'il had business on his hand. A week passed before Capitola carried her resolution of calling upon the inmate of the Hidden House into effect.