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'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

The wind blew as 'twad blawn its last The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed; Loud, deep and long the thunder bellowed; That night a child might understand The de'il had business on his hand. Burns. A week passed before Capitola carried her resolution of calling upon the inmate of the Hidden House into effect.

I had never muckle broo o' my gudeman's gossips, and now I like them waur than ever. The only wiselike thing I heard onybody say, was decent Mr. John Kirk of Kirk-knowe, and he wussed them just to get the king's mercy, and nae mair about it. But he spake to unreasonable folk he might just hae keepit his breath to hae blawn on his porridge."

He's a clever fallow, indeed! maun kilt awa wi' ae bonny lass in the morning, and another at night, less wadna serve him! but if he disna kilt himsell out o' the country, I'se kilt him wi' a tow, for the Castleton meeting's clean blawn ower; his friends will no countenance him."