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Barclay had drawn a paper from his pocket, and was following the list of figures with the point of his toothpick.

There might have been seen a boor's wife dressed in sky blue lined with fox fur, and drawn to church in a comfortable kolaska, by two excellent, plump, Samogitian ponies; and neither did the father of the family exhaust his strength in night watches or day labor, as he had twenty teams to dispose of, and could offer to an unexpected visitor a broiled chicken with milk sauce, and a couple of bottles of brown stout from Barclay, Perkins & Co., of London.

Of course, there are many exceptions and, in the Lycee of Dijon, these were more numerous than usual. This was due, to a great extent, to the influence of the two boys who are coming out of the school, at the present moment. Ralph and Percy Barclay are as one can see at first sight English; that is to say, their father is English, and they have taken after him, and not after their French mother.

The next day John Barclay had Colonel Martin Culpepper and Lige Bemis in his office galvanizing them with his enthusiasm and coaching them in their task. They were to promise three dollars an acre, August 15, to every farmer who would put a mortgage on his land for six dollars an acre. The other three dollars was to cover the amount paid by Barclay as rent for the land the year before.

But for a vague feeling that Miss Lucy was neglecting him for her patient, John would have begun making a hero of Philemon R. Ward. As it was, the boy merely tolerated the man and silently suspected him of intentions and designs. But when school opened, Philemon Ward left Sycamore Ridge and John Barclay made an important discovery. It was that Ellen Culpepper had eyes.

"Even in the face of this tragedy," added Colonel Broadcastle in a low voice, "I trust you will not forget the exigencies of the situation. It is for you to act, sir." Barclay suddenly raised himself to his full height, and faced the silent gathering. "Gentlemen," he said firmly, "the Governor is dead. For the moment, at least, I act in his stead. Kenton City is under martial law.

The ladies retired early to their rooms, and the men were not long in following their example. Barclay and Dermot, who were the only occupants of the floor on which their rooms were situated it was the top one of the wing went upstairs together. At the Deputy Superintendent's door a man squatted and, as they approached, rose, and saluted them in military fashion. It was Barclay's police orderly.

"Mr Drinkwater!" she cried in a startled way. "How you frightened me!" "Love makes men fools," said Mr Barclay, as he slipped into her home ere she could close the door. "Now take me in and introduce me to your sisters." "Adela, is that you? Here, for goodness' sake. Why don't you answer?" "Is she there?"

She reads the works of Florence Barclay, and doesn't care for music-halls 'low I call them, Miss. I asked her if she were fond of music, and she said, 'Oh yes, Miss, and then with a coy glance, 'I ply the mandoline. I think she is about fifty, and not at all good-looking, so she will be a much more comfortable person in the house than Julie, who would have moped without admirers.

"There were but three." Barclay stood sucking her lips.