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Rosenberg loved Mandoline, and would have been a better mother, perhaps, if she had only known how, and had not had so much work to do. Presently she went down stairs, and left the little girls together. "Good!" said Lina, in a low voice. "She's gone; now we'll play." "But you can't knit if you play, Lina. Tell me where you hided my hat, 'cause I want to go home."

He gave him fifty pages of music to transpose for mandoline and guitar by the next day. After which, being satisfied that he had made him truckle down, he found him less distasteful work, but always so ungraciously that it was impossible to be grateful to him for it: Christophe had to be ground down by necessity before he would ever go to Hecht again.

A certain drawing in the series depicts "The Equilibrist" an individual with an anxious eye, who is poised upon a slack wire above the head of an admiring assistant, balancing sundry cigar-boxes and wine-glasses on one toe, while supporting on his head a lighted lamp, and discoursing sweet music from a mandoline.

Dotty did not know why she liked Mandoline so well, but like her she did. Mrs. Parlin was afraid Mandoline had not been taught to respect the truth, and had often desired her little daughter not to play with the beautiful Jewess. But "Lina" went to Mrs. Eastman's, and Mrs. Eastman petted her. Dotty thought it could not be wrong to associate with a little girl her auntie liked so well.

We arrived at the venta, which was one of the most wretched I had yet come across. An old woman opened the door, and on seeing my companion, exclaimed, "Ah, Señor Don José!" Don José frowned and raised his hand, and the old woman was silent at once. The supper was better than I expected, and after supper Don José played the mandoline and sang some melancholy songs.

The picture of Ann, the first he painted, showed her as Saint Cecelia hearkening to music which sounds from Heaven in her ears. Two sweet angel babes floated on thin clouds above her head, singing hymns to a mandoline and viol.

When at last the train came to take us into Petrograd, and we found that the carriages were unheated, somebody got out a mandoline and we kept ourselves warm by dancing. At the same time I was sorry for the five children who were with us, knowing that a country simultaneously suffering war, blockade and revolution is not a good place for childhood.

It was now so dark that she hardly dared look out of doors; but even in the brightest daylight she could not have found her way home. "You've got to stay all night," said Mandoline. "Isn't that splendid?" Mandoline did not mean to be cruel. She had observed that her mother urged her own guests to stay, and sometimes kept them almost by force. This she supposed was true politeness.

A grand piano stood open, a mandoline tied with bright ribbons, lay on a little table near a cluster of roses and violets, books, music, drawings, bits of old drapery and lace were so disposed as to hide all sharp corners and forbidding angles, and where the frescoes on the wall were too damaged to be worth showing even in outline, some fine old Flemish tapestry covered the defect.

O, well; you may take her up stairs out of my way; but mind, you must knit every minute you're gone." Dotty was greatly abashed by this reception, and would have rushed out of the house, but Mandoline held her fast. "You shan't go a step," said she, "I'll hide your hat." So Dotty, under peril of going home bareheaded, was obliged to creep up the rickety staircase with Mandoline.