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In Swiss and German kurhausen enormously fat men bear down upon you and explain to you that once they were the champion sprinters or the high-jump representatives of their university men who now hold on to the bannisters and groan as they haul themselves upstairs.

The girls, by tradition, dare not do this with their hands, which have been denied during the night. And the house-porter has adorned the house-entrance, which is carved in the Russian style, with two little felled birch-trees. And so with all the houses the thin white trunks with their scant dying verdure adorn the exterior near the stoops, bannisters and doors.

Judge Bannister remembered when the women of the crowd had worn hoops and waterfalls. Aunt Claudia's memory went back to bustles and bonnets. There were deeper memories, too, than of clothes of old friends and young faces there was always a moment of pensive retrospect when the Bannisters stopped under the old oak on the hill.

And presently he found himself watching his own daughter Mary, as she came along the opposite bank of the stream. She was drawing Fiddle-dee-dee in a small red cart and was walking slowly. She walked well. Country-born and country-bred, there was nothing about her of plodding peasant. All her life she had danced with the Bannisters and the Beauforts.

By the bank of the pond were two rows of weeping willows, which, intermingling with peach and apricot trees, screened the heavens from view, and kept off the rays of the sun from this spot, which was in real truth devoid of even a grain of dust. Suddenly, they espied in the shade of the willows, an arched wooden bridge also reveal itself to the eye, with bannisters of vermilion colour.

"You'll do," he signified, pulling his cap over his eyes, thrusting both hands in his pockets, and slithering rapidly down the bannisters in advance. "Thanks," said Uncle Felix, following him, three steps at a time, with effort. In the hall they paused a moment a question of doors. "Back," said Uncle Felix. "Front's better," decided the boy. "Then nobody'll think anything, you see."

We were never seen together, and so very few know that there are two Bannisters. At first I used to protest, but I gave it up. There wasn't the least use. I could only wait for him to be captured or killed. In the meantime it didn't make me any more popular to be a sheepman." "Weren't you taking a long chance of being killed first? Some one with a grudge against him might have shot you."

I hear that she is introducing Karen into a very artistic set. After the Bannisters, Mr. Claude Drew. He is back from America at last, it seems, and is an assiduous adorer. You have seen a good deal of him?" "I haven't seen him at all. Has he been back for long?" "Four or five days only, I believe; but I don't know how often he and Madame von Marwitz and Karen have been seen together.

'So it all passes, he was thinking; 'passes and begins again. Poor old chap! And he listened, if perchance the sound of Timothy trailing his hobby-horse might come down the well of the stairs; or some ghost of an old face show over the bannisters, and an old voice say: 'Why, it's dear Soames, and we were only saying that we hadn't seen him for a week! Nothing nothing!

Margaret linked her arm in mine with a radiant smile and a vivid blush, and tripped down stairs with a lightness almost miraculous. Mr. Regulus was standing at the foot of the stairs leaning on the bannisters, in a musing attitude. As soon as he saw us, his countenance lighted up with a joyful animation, and he offered his arm to Margaret with eager gallantry.