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The time may come when I shall have to drag myself away like a sick beast to die in the mountains; but if it does, I shall go defying you! Bah! How I wish I could find a rich man who could spare it, and from whom I could steal a thousand dollars. I would turn it into a thousand songs that diamonds could not buy that would build new empires and then I would pay the poor rich man back.

"There's no reason under heaven why you should not marry her, if you like. Convict's daughter? Bah! I snap my fingers in their faces. My girl shall be happy yet. I swear it! But we'll stop all this sickly sentimentality about the money. We'll " The minister held up a warning hand.

"Bah!" answered Fanny; "as if a doctor ought to listen to rubbish of that sort!" The doctor went off straight to the office, and succeeded in frightening Morten to such a degree that the journey was arranged for the next week.

I would like to see them with a spade! Have you been trying to get at their brains, Maraton? What's that to make a man like you depressed? Did you think they had any? Did you think you could draw a single spark of fire out of dull pap like that? Bah!" Julia was moving quietly about the room, putting the flowers in water. Aaron had slipped in and was seated before his desk.

"Then what shall I do?" asked Zbyszko. "Wait; we are near Ciechanow." "But what will the German think?" "Your servant must explain to him that he cannot fight here; that first you must receive the prince's permission, and he, the comthur's." "Bah! suppose they will not give permission." "Then you will find each other. Enough of this talk."

"You have certainly put us up to a wrinkle or two lately, sir." "Bah! your father is considered a clever man in all that pertains to sporting, but what is he in comparison with me?" Young Jack did not hear the conclusion of this speech, for he had gone away to get his fishing tackle, a large hook attached to a chain.

"Good!" exclaimed Lane, instantly. "Bah!" "Good still," returned Lane. "But alas! She is brazen, unconscious of it. But she's no fool, that kid. Lorna is an absolute silly bull-headed fool. I wish Bessy Bell was my sister or I mean that Lorna was like her." "Here comes Swann without Margie. Looks sore as a pup. The " "Shut up, Blair. I want to listen to this jazz."

"The Pilot has evidently reached Shark's Island by swimming, in spite of surf and breakers a feat almost without a parallel." "Bah!" said Ernest, parodying Jack's witticism about the oars, "what does a pilot care about surf and breakers?"

"What good do they do you?" continued Pierquin, addressing Balthazar; "you ought to sell them." "Bah! am I in want of money?" replied Claes, in the tone of a man to whom forty thousand francs was a matter of no consequence. There was a moment's silence, during which the children made many exclamations. "See this one, mamma!" "Oh! here's a beauty!" "Tell me the name of that one!"

You are brave, jeered the captain. "'I am a Frenchman, answered Pierre, stoutly. 'A Frenchman does not fear to die. "'Good! For that I shall give you a chance to live and you shall come with us and fight for the Fatherland," declared the captain. "'Bah! That for the Fatherland! The lad snapped his fingers in the Prussian's face.