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He'll be settin' up on th' roof iv his boat, smokin' a good see-gar, an' wondhrin' how manny iv th' babbies named afther him 'll be in th' pinitinchry be th' time he gets back home. Up comes me br-rave Hobson. 'Who ar-re ye, disturbin' me quite? says Cousin George. 'I'm a hero, says th' Loot. 'Ar-re ye, faith? says Cousin George.

"Oh! you chaps, you as I've seen grow up from babbies aren't theer one o' ye to tak' the old man's word an' believe as I seen un?" The cracked old voice sounded more broken than usual, and I saw a tear crawling slowly down the Ancient's furrowed cheek. Nobody answered, and there fell a silence broken only by the shuffle and scrape of heavy boots and the setting down of tankards.

"Happen" he said next "happen one o' yo' women-foak con say a bit o' a prayer yo're not so fur fro' safe sand but yo' can reach it happen one o' yo' ha' a word or two as yo' could say such like as yo' teach yo're babbies."

"Feed babbies," grinned Mike, as he opened a cub's mouth and stuck the bottle inside at an angle that would let the liquid run out and in. Immediately, the cub gulped and started sucking at the impromptu feeding bottle. Mike watched the milk diminish and when the bottle was half empty he took it away and opened the other little cub's mouth for its food.

I find that she knows nothing at all about the matter of the exchanging the genders of the babbies only that her mother was on oath to Father O'Toole, who ought to be hanged, drawn, and quartered, instead of those poor fellows whom the government called rebels, but who were no more rebels than Father McGrath himself, who'll uphold the Pretender, as they call our true Catholic King, as long as there's life in his body, or a drop of whisky left in ould Ireland to drink his health wid.

"Yes; the Christmas number was intended as a conveyance of all friendly greetings in season and out of season. As to its lesson, you need it almost as little as any man I know; for all your study and seclusion conduce to the general good, and disseminate truths that men cannot too earnestly take to heart. Yes, a capital story that of 'The Two Seaborn Babbies, and wonderfully droll, I think.

Without waiting for an answer, both children saw the two furry balls on the bunk and stepped softly over, to see what they were. "Oh, the cuties! what are they, Mike?" cried Dot. "Cubs; old bear's babbies!" said Mike, smiling at the twins as they hugged and cuddled the cubs. "Oh, Mike! they will never grow up to hurt anyone, will they?" asked Dot, doubtfully. "No siree!

"Dunno oo you can trust then," said Amelia, tossing a still handsome head. "Anybody 'ud think the dogs was babbies, to hear you." "So they are to me as precious as, anyway. Look here, you just come and live 'ere, 'Melia see? An' we'll give yer five bob a week.

"You'll never get up to cribbage you're so confounded slow," replied the senior; "you'll have to stick to dominoes, which is only fit for babbies. Did ye think I meant Miss Hendy's, or low people of that kind, when I spoke of a reg'lar fambly? I meant that you had never seen life. Did you ever change plates for a marquis, Snipe?" "Never heared of one. Is he in a great way of business?"

"You pumpkin-faced idjut, you mush-headed tank o' wisdom, you masterpiece of under-done mule brain, how in sizzlin' torment you're figgerin' to ladle soap into the vitals of inoffendin' babbies, an' push beef bones through their innercent stummicks, 'ud par'lize the brains of every science society in this yer country to know, an' drive the whole world o' physic dealers barkin' like a pack o' mangy coyotes wi' their bellies flappin' in a nor'-east blizzard.