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"Who is this?" asked Major White, aroused to a sense of stolid curiosity which few of his fellow-men had the power of awakening. "Oh, that," said Joan, looking towards the door "that is Mr. Percy Roden." "Pour etre heureux, il ne faut avoir rien a oublier."

"Bon soir, Monsieur le Capitaine; c'est un brave Monsieur que celui-la, et de très bonne famille! Il n'a pas de si grandes terres, que Monsieur le Patteroon, pourtant, on dit, qu'il doit avoir de jolies maisons et assez de rentes publiques! J'aime

But it is the same at the Bal de l'Opera as at Frascati, Longchamp, and other points of attraction here; every one is soon tired of them, and yet every one flocks thither. In fact, what can well be more tiresome than a place where you find persons masked, without wit or humour? Though, according to the old French saying, "I faut avoir bien peu d'esprit pour ne pas en avoir sous le masque?"

Je regarde même comme tels, ces trente-cinq ans qu'il dit avoir employés

M. Fayette est entreprenant, hardi, avec un certain point d'honneur, et avec cela, plus consequent que le reste des Reformateurs, qui, apres tout, est un engeance si detestable a mon avis, qu'un pais ne peut avoir un plus grand fleeau.

"I am always sorry," said she, "when any stranger sees me, parceque je sais que je detruis toute illusion. Je sais que je devrais avoir l'air d'une heroine, et surtout que je devrais avoir l'air malheureuse ou epuise an moins rien de tout cela, helas!" She is much better than a heroine she is benevolence and truth itself.

Lord Clonbrony brought Sir Terence home with him next day, to introduce him to Lord Colambre; and it happened that, on this occasion, Terence appeared to peculiar disadvantage, because, like many other people, "Il gatoit l'esprit qu'il avoit, en voulant avoir celui qu'il n'avoit pas."

This night je had agreed par' alter at Deptford, there par' avoir lain con the moher de Bagwell, but this company did hinder me. 30th. Up, and put on a new summer black bombazin suit, and so to the office; and being come now to an agreement with my barber, to keep my perriwig in good order at 20s. a-year, I am like to go very spruce, more than I used to do.

Some fleecy clouds were speeding across the clear ether. "No," she answered slowly; "I think I shall go to Corsica. Tell me," she added, after a pause "I suppose I have Corsican blood in my veins?" "I suppose so," admitted Mademoiselle Brun, reluctantly. "Chaque homme a trois caracteres: celui qu'il a, celui qu'il montre, et celui qu'il croit avoir."

He declared his motto to be "Pour principe de commencer par avoir de la con-fiance." Undeterred by intrigues, and finding that his project met with a favourable reception throughout the Continent of Europe, he determined, in 1858, to open a subscription which would secure funds for the undertaking.