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As to the other thing, I don't know what it is, but you may 'ave it, too. And 'ere's another thing, sir: haven't you never noticed that when a public man blows off and says something, it does 'im in? No matter what 'appens afterwards, he's got to stick to it or look a fool." "I certainly have not," said Mr. Lavender.

So long as you don't tell the skipper I don't mind. If anything 'appens you'll catch it too, Bill. "He climbed ashore, and I follered 'im to the gate and unlocked it. He was screwing up 'is eye ready for a wink, but I give 'im such a look that he thought better of it, and, arter rubbing his eye with 'is finger as though he 'ad got a bit o' dust in it, he went off.

"'No, I don't suppose yer can, he retorted; 'but I'll tell yer what I think you've been and done with Bill. You got 'im in there and you done 'im in. That's what I think. And I tell yer it ain't the cheese. When a cove goes into an 'ouse for to do an 'armless crack he stands for to be lagged if so be as he 'appens to git copped. But 'e don't stand for to be done in.

An' I've found that wot 'appens in this street 'appens everywhere else, if yer change the names an' addresses." About a week after the triumphant opening of the Silver Shoe, Jonah was running his eye down some price-lists, when he was disturbed by a loud noise.

The dangerous natur' of my weapon is so great that I've adopted the plan of always walking, as you see, with what the milingtary call `shouldered arms, which endangers nothin' but the sky includin' the planetory system except w'en I 'appens to fall, w'en, of course, it's every man lookout for hisself. But there's one consolation for you, sir, my blunderbuss don't go off easy.

"I've heard, and I know it for a fact, that money grows in the pockets of the rich. Why not in the pockets of the poor as well? Why should you be su'prised at wot 'appens every day?" "Had you any money of your own about you at the time?" "Where could the like of me get money? asking pardon for making so bold as to catechise your ladyship."

"Very sorry, sir!" said Bainton complacently; "But if one of the names of a man 'appens to be Putwood an' the man 'imself is as fat as a pig scored for roastin' 'ole, what more natrul than the pet name of 'Putty' for 'im? No 'arm meant, I'm sure, Passon! Putty's as good as Pippitt any day!" Walden suppressed his laughter with an effort.

Nevertheless a cold chill crept over Merriton's bones and he gave a forced, mirthless laugh. "As true as the gospel, Sir Nigel!" said Borkins, solemnly. "That's what always 'appens. Every time any one ventures that way well, they're a-soundin' their own death-knell, so to speak, and you kin see the new light appear.

"She 'appens to be sleeping in your bed, sir, he says." "In my bed? Good heavens, Britton! What's to become of me?" "Don't take it so 'ard, sir," he made haste to say. "Blatchford 'as fixed a place for you on the couch in your study, sir. It's all very snug, sir." "But, Britton," I said in horror, "suppose that I should have come home last night. Don't you see?"

There ain't goin' to be no weddin's nor buryin's yet in the Manor, please the A'mighty goodness, for one's as mis'able as t'other, an' both means change, which sometimes is good for the 'elth but most often contrariwise, though whatever 'appens either way we must bend our 'eads under the rod to both. But I mustn't stay chitterin' 'ere any longer good day t'ye!"