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We thought we'd better increase the speed of the cup-carrier, and pulled up to put in a smaller sprocket." S. Behrman nodded to say that was all right, and added a question. "How is she going?" "Anywheres from twenty-five to thirty sacks to the acre right along here; nothing the matter with THAT I guess." "Nothing in the world, Bill."

The best way to punish a thief, accordin' to my notion, is to keep him everlastingly on the jump, scared to death to show his face anywheres and always hatin' to go to sleep for fear he'll wake up and find somebody pointin' a pistol at him and sayin, 'Well, I got you at last, dang ye. Besides, lockin' Mart up isn't going to bring back Mrs. Gwyn's sheep, is it?"

"I'm so 'fraid I shan't run across any of grandmother's folks over here, after all," she said yesterday, "though I ask every nice-appearin' person I meet anywheres if he or she's any kin to Mary Boyce of Trim; and then, again, I'm scared to death for fear I shall find I'm own cousin to one of these here critters that ain't brushed their hair nor washed their apurns for a month o' Sundays!

You didn't know me in that hat and coat? I thought you would have known me anywheres! Ten more! 'So I should have known you, if I could have seen you; but I couldn't, and you spoke so gruff. I didn't think you could speak gruff to me, Mark, at first coming back. 'Fifteen more! said Mr Tapley. 'How handsome and how young you look! Six more!

"Sure!" says I. "I'm only wandering around this part of the country because this part of the country is here if it was anywheres else I'd be just as glad." So in we went. It was the steepest and narrowest kind of a canon, looking as if it had been cut out of the rock with one crack of the axe.

The maid presented to her attention a small silver tray, and Ellen, blushing uncomfortably because she had no card, asked for Miss Orr. Soon the frilled maid reappeared. "I'm sorry, Miss," she said, "I thought Miss Lydia was at home, but I can't find her anywheres about." She eyed Ellen's trim figure doubtfully. "If there was any message " "No," said Ellen. "I only came to call."

Why, Isaiah was sayin' that a feller was tellin' him only yesterday that it didn't make any difference how many new stores was started in this town, he'd never trade anywheres but with Hamilton and Company. That shows you, don't it?" "Who was it said that, Uncle Shad?" asked Mary. "Eh? Why, I don't know. Isaiah was tellin' me about it and we was interrupted. Who was it, Isaiah?"

"How you're the best-lookin' couple that a man would see anywheres." Into her clear cheeks the color flowed. "If I thought nonsense like that I wouldn't say it," she said quietly. "We're not a couple. He's a man. I'm a woman. I like him and want to stay friends with him if you'll let me." "Sure. I know that, but " Johnnie groped helplessly to try to explain what he had meant.

"'Oh, Liddy, Calliope says her head up like she was singin' 'Oh, Liddy the New People have got their little child. "An' I see, though of course she didn't anywheres near realize it then, that she was plantin' herself another cedar." After all, it was as if I had first been told about refraction and then had been shown a rainbow.

I wanted to know what the Smith family did, and J. Paul Smith, and whether Casey kept the truck and sold it to the man who hauled water. "Who? Me? Say! D'you ever know Casey Ryan to ever come out anywheres but at the little end uh the horn? Ain't I the bag holder pro tem?" I don't know what he meant by that. I think he was mistaken in the meaning of "pro tem." "You ask anybody.