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The flush came quickly to his face in a way she had known, and his eyes softened. "I should ha' recognized ye anywheres, Milly," he asserted. She still stood looking at him, unable to ask him in or to make apology for the lack. "I went straight to your house from the train," he said. "'Twas all shut up. Don't anybody live there now?" "Yes," answered Amelia, "somebody lives there."

If his pants had a rip in 'em anywheres, or they was buttons off his vest, or his shirt was tore, did it matter? No, it didn't matter. It didn't matter a-tall. But now he's gotta buy new pants if his old ones is tore, and a new shirt besides, and he sews the buttons on his vest, and he's took to wearin' a necktie. A necktie!"

"Such a Town Council as that is a sort of many-headed tyrant, resolved to persecute the unhappy townspeople into their very graves!" "Right y' are!" said Twitt. "But there's a many on 'em! An' ye may thank yer stars ye're not anywheres under 'em. Now when you goes the way o' all flesh " He paused, suddenly embarrassed, and conscious that he had perhaps touched on a sore subject.

"You keep those flames so high, rain or no rain," Henderson charged them, "that we can see 'em from anywheres!" A moment later the searchers plunged into the marsh, facing bravely away from lights and voices and solid earth. Stumbling and slipping, Mary Bell followed the fence. The rain slapped her face, and her rubber boots dragged in the shallow water.

He did the chores at the Hammond tavern. His freckled face was dripping with perspiration and he puffed and blew like a stranded whale. "What's the matter, Ike?" demanded Keziah. "What is it?" "Have ye have ye," panted Ike, "have ye seen the doctor anywheres, Mis Coffin?" "Who? Dr. Parker? Have I seen what in the world are you comin' HERE after the doctor for?"

"''Tis the address of my house, I'm givin', he says, turnin' to Jonadab. 'I'll be off duty then and we'll have dinner and talk about old times. To think of you landin' in Silver Pete's pool room! Dear! dear! Why, Cap'n Wixon, barrin' that your whiskers are a bit longer and a taste grayer, I'd 'a' known you anywheres. Many's the time I've stole apples over your back fence.

Still seeing no one, he urged Patches toward the house, halted him at the edge of the front porch and sat in the saddle, looking at the front door. He was about to call, when the door opened and Uncle Jepson came out. There was a broad grin on Uncle Jepson's face. "I cal'late you've got here," he said. "Looks mighty like it," returned the horseman. "You reckon my new boss is anywheres around?"

'What's the name o' the capital o' Portugal, sir? The man looked immensely shrewd, and nodding his consent at the laughing reply, added: 'And there you was born, sir? You'll excuse my boldness, but I only does what's necessary. Evan said he was not born there. 'No, not born there. That's good. Now, sir, did you happen to be born anywheres within smell o' salt water?

"I pointed down the road and said: 'I hear it a-clatterin' now, and off they galloped. Well, Toot soon loaded the whiskey again and drove off up the mountain, but he's laughed about that a hundred times and told the moonshiners about it. Whenever I meet one in the road I know the last one of 'em they ask me if I've seen a whiskey wagon anywheres about.

"If Joe and me was to set anywheres but in front, he might see the light." "Well, what of it?" "Miss Hathaway, she don't want it talked of, and men folks never can keep secrets," Hepsey suggested. "You wouldn't have to tell him, would you?" "Yes'm. Men folks has got terrible curious minds. They're all right if they don't know there's nothin', but if they does, why they's keen."