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I hope none o' them York chaps will be coming down here to carry away the best-lookin' gal in town." He handed her the letter. For a moment her dark face lit up with an eager flush; as she took the letter it fell. It was superscribed in a girl's spidery tracery, sealed with blue wax, and a sentimental French seal and motto.

Delicately as it was conveyed, I understood the insinuation. "Ho! Aurore must be beautiful, then? Is it so, friend Scipio?" "Mass'r, 'taint for dis ole nigger to judge 'bout daat; but folks dey say bof white folks an black folks daat she am de best-lookin' an hansomest quaderoom in all Loozyanna." "Ha! a quadroon?"

Nero, wuz a beautiful-lookin' woman, though I don't spoze she wuz what she should be. Her husband kicked her to death some time ago. He ort to been kicked himself; I'd been willin' to hire the mule myself to done it, I wuz that put out thinkin' on't. Josiah said "Poppy Sabriny wuz the best-lookin' figger there."

"How you're the best-lookin' couple that a man would see anywheres." Into her clear cheeks the color flowed. "If I thought nonsense like that I wouldn't say it," she said quietly. "We're not a couple. He's a man. I'm a woman. I like him and want to stay friends with him if you'll let me." "Sure. I know that, but " Johnnie groped helplessly to try to explain what he had meant.

"The women was goin' to put in clean men an' do strokes," sneered Uncle Jake, "an' it turns out they'd vote for the best-lookin' man, nice state of affairs that is." "Ah! it's all very fine for a man to buck w'en a thing treads on his own toes; it would be thought a terrible thing for a woman to vote for a good-lookin' man an' pass over merit, but that's what's been done to women all the time.

Helen was moving quietly about the sick room and speaking in a low tone. Albert could not hear what she said, but he could hear Lurania. "You're a wonder, that's what you be," declared the latter, "and I told your pa so last time he was here. 'She's a saint, says I, 'if ever there was one on this earth. She's the nicest, smartest, best-lookin' girl in THIS town and . . . eh?"

"Tip says she has one of the best tenor voices they is. He says sometimes he can hear her clean from his clearin' down to your barn." "Farther," said I. "All the way to the school-house." "Indeed! Now that's nice. I allow she must be very handsome." "Handsome?" said I, a bit incredulous. "Why, Tip says she's the best-lookin' woman in the walley, and that she's a terrible tasty dresser."

Well, we stayed here for quite a spell, Whitfield and Tirzah Ann buildin' castles higher than Castle Rest, on the foundations of their rosy future, underlaid with youth and glowin' hope the best-lookin' underpinnin' you can find anywhere. And little Delight rolled on the green moss and built her rosy castles in the illumined present, as children do.

I hope she'll marry well. By an' by whin th' roses fade fr'm our cheeks an' our eye is dimmed with age we bow to th' inivitable, run down th' flag iv defiance, an' ar-re yanked into th' multichood iv happy an' speechless marrid men that look like flashlight pitchers. Th' best-lookin' iv us niver get marrid at all. "Yes, Sir, there's no doubt we do a good deal to beautify th' landscape.

Now, here come the best-lookin' young ladies and young gentleman we have set eyes on yet." And then Mrs. Day's own daughters, with Franky clinging to Deleah's arm, would be seen to approach. "We think so, don't we, Emily? It's because they're our own, you know," the mistress would say, with her deprecating smile. "It's because they're ours, that they seem to look so nice."