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'Oh, he died, sir, a week after I left. The lad's voice dropped. Then he added slowly, looking away, 'Tom said he was very quiet he didn't suffer much not at the end. 'Aye, the clouds lift at sunset, said Mr. Ancrum in an altered tone; 'the air clears before the night! His head fell forward on his breast, and he sat drumming on the table.

Now in this fragrant quiet of the forest the quick vision of some irretrievable wreck presented itself to him; he thought of Mr. Ancrum of John and a cold shudder ran through him. In it spoke the conscience of a lifetime.

He became excited, sympathetic, declamatory, tore open old sores, and Mr. Ancrum had great difficulty in getting rid of him. So now the minister was sitting at home meditating. Through the atmosphere of mockery with which Dubois had invested the story he saw the outlines of it with some clearness.

We killed seven fish; I, one of 19 lbs.; Hopie, two, one of 25 lbs. Thence to the Colviles', at Craigflower, and on the 11th to Minto. 14th, drove to Ancrum and Kirklands. Beautiful day. We went from Minto to Dartrey, co. Monaghan, by Carlisle and Stranraer; crossed to Larne, but had to sleep at Dundalk, on the 17th. At Dartrey found the Ilchesters, Mr. Herbert, and others.

"I think very highly of Waverley, and was inclined to suspect, in reading it, that it was written by Miss Scott of Ancrum." In 1818 he wrote about The Heart of Midlothian: "I think it excellent quite as good as any of his novels, excepting that in which Claverhouse is introduced, and of which I forget the name.... He repeats his characters, but it seems they will bear repetition.

Do you remember, sir? and the lad's voice grew sharp once more, tightening as it were under the pressure of eagerness and ambition from beneath 'do you remember that Scaliger read the "Iliad" in twenty days, and was a finished Greek scholar in two years? Why can't one do that now? 'Why shouldn't you? said Mr. Ancrum, looking up at him. 'Who helps you in your Greek?

David was as fine a boy as anyone need wish to see. David? Reuben got up from his seat at the farm door, took his pipe out of his pocket, and went to hang over the garden-gate, that he might unravel some very worrying thoughts at a greater distance from Hannah. The day before he had been overtaken coming out of Clough End by Mr. Ancrum, the lame minister. He and Grieve liked one another.

David was captured by it, by the flight of the scientific imagination through time and space, amid suns, planets and nebulae, the beginnings and the wrecks of worlds. When he laid it down with a sigh of pleasure, Ancrum, who was sitting opposite, looked up. 'You like your book, Davy? 'Yes, said the other slowly, staring out of the twilight window at the gloom which passes for sky in Manchester.

Meanwhile the growing excitement of the war, heightened and poisoned by this reaction of his personality, combined with his painful efforts to recover his business to make him for a time more pale and gaunt than ever. Ancrum remonstrated in vain. He would go his way.

'I seem to feel your pulse beating 150 to the minute, and it tires me so I can't bear myself. Gossip to me. How is Sandy? David laughed, and had as usual a new batch of 'Sandiana' to produce. Then he talked of Louie's coming and of the invitation which had been sent to Reuben Grieve. 'I shall come and sit in a corner and look at her, said Ancrum, nodding at Louie's name.