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'And I think 'twould be no harm, Lieutenant Puddock, my dear, says Father Roach, testily, for he had been himself frightened by the crash, 'if you'd die a little aisier the next time. Puddock began to apologise. 'Never mind, said the general, recovering, 'let's fill our glasses my Lord Castlemallard, they tell me this claret is a pretty wine. 'A very pretty wine, said my lord.

The only word he uttered that could possibly be at all understood, was amen; which he pronounced lowly, but still distinctly, and in as unpopish a manner as he could. "I beg your pardon, sir," he replied, "but now my heart's aisier I hope I have overcome that feeling that was an me I can now forgive him for the sake of the spread o' the gospel, and I do."

Con Ryan remarked one day, when the subject was under discussion, "that young O'Meara hadn't actually spoke out before it happint thim. 'Twould ha' made her a dale aisier in her mind now, I wouldn't won'er.

"It is far aisier, sir," replied the man, with a slight curling of the lip, which betrayed a professional contempt for Mr.

"Aisier," said he, "but I think weaker I had a dream," he continued; "I thought I was looking in through a great gate at the most beautiful place that ever was and I said to myself, what country can that be, that's so full of light, and music, and green trees, and beautiful rivers? 'That is heaven, said a sweet voice beside me, but I could see no one.

"You said you could ruin Phil. It's aisy for a woman to do that, I admit. No matter how hard the church may be on 'em, and how much other women may cut 'em dead for doin' wrong things, a woman can go into a coort-room and swear a man's character away, an' the jury'll give her judgment every time. The law's a lot aisier with the women than the crowd you associate with is."

He would work in the mines, and the hot air in this place and the cold air whin he wint up gave him the lung faver, and the doctor says he's got to go. The next shift I'm going up to him. Meet me at the pump-house. Don't tell him yez is not a priest; it's all the same to him, and he'll die aisier if he thinks the faither's come. Poor Tim, me only boy!" What could Job do but consent?

Ah, that's it, darlin'," persisted Mrs. Flynn, "'tis lovin' all the way makes it aisier. There's manny kinds o' love. There's lad an' lass, there's maid an' man.

Pausing in the act of taking a second drink, I looked into my cup, and saw that it contained myriads of animalcula and larvæ, which zigzagged from side to side in the liveliest manner. "Will they hurt us, Tom?" questioned Henry. "I rickon they've got the worst of it, sergeant laddie; but I think I'd fale a bit aisier if I was blindfolded or takin' a drink in the dark.

Nobody knows but Gladstone and the Divil." A bystander said: "Down at Galway there was a man wid a donkey goin' about sellin' fish, which was carried in two panniers. Whin he had only enough to fill one pannier, he put a load o' stones into the other pannier to balance the fish an' make the panniers stick on, an' ride aisier.