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Reunions of old friends who for all each know have been dead a year or two, clean blowed to pieces by shells, or shot through by a hundred rifle bullets are powerful affectin'. He come down to the edge of the river an' he shot questions across to me, an' I shot questions at him, an' I felt as if a brother had riz from the dead.

It was dretful pretty talk, and middlin' affectin'. There wasn't a dry eye in Josiah Allen's head, and I didn't make no objection to his givin' vent to his feelin's, only when I see him bust out a-weepin' I jest slipped my pocket-handkerchief 'round his neck and pinned it behind. He had on a new vest. Submit Tewksbury cried and wept, and wept and cried, caused by remembrances, it wuz spozed.

Or I could work a spell in the gardin if he don't seem to want me in the house. Now, wa'n't it affectin' to hear him let on that he'd gone an' made poor Mis' Haydon's flower gardin same's he'd always done? It showed real feelin', didn't it? I am goin' to take holt over there as if 't was for her as well as for him. That time I was here so long, when you was so sick, I did just admire Mis' Haydon.

'I never know'd a respectable coachman as wrote poetry, 'cept one, as made an affectin' copy o' werses the night afore he was hung for a highway robbery; and he wos only a Cambervell man, so even that's no rule. But Sam was not to be dissuaded from the poetical idea that had occurred to him, so he signed the letter 'Your love-sick Pickwick.

"How's the salt air affectin' your appetite, Is?" asked the Captain, casually. Issy, who, being intensely serious by nature, was uneasy when he suspected the presence of a joke, confusedly stammered that he cal'lated his appetite was all right. "Payin' for the Major's glass ain't kept you awake worryin', has it?" "No-o, sir. "P'r'aps you thought he was the one to 'do the worryin', hey?"

There can't be nothin' confidential, I tell ye, when it's affectin' thim I loves best in all th' whole wide world. Shure ye'll tell me about it, Jimmie, shure ye will." In James's present mood, it was easier to talk than to keep silent. If his father really knew the importance of the part he felt himself to he playing in Mr.

Pennel; "it's a wonder children can forget as they do." "Yes," said Miss Ruey; "you know them lines in the 'English Reader, 'Gay hope is theirs by fancy led, Least pleasing when possessed; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast. Them lines all'ys seemed to me affectin'."

It's shorely a affectin' sight to see them parish'ners, with tears runnin' down their faces, drivin' up the cattle an' takin' them religious directors of theirs out o' hock. "'We finds the padre out back of his wickeyup, trimmin' up a game- cock that he's matched to fight the next day. The padre is little, fat, round, an' amiable as owls. Nacherally, I has to translate for him an' the law sport.

"And arter that when I read the affectin' account of your death in a strange land, I cried." "Cried?" said I, "I'm much obleeged to you, but there's nothin' to cry for as I know." "So there be'nt," said she, puckerin' up her pretty little mouth; "but tell me, now, is this reely you?" "I don't know," said I, "whether its reely myself or not, for I haven't seed myself how do I look?"

"Ay, Sandy," says I, "you'll go an' get the swine suppered an' your ither jobs dune, an', gin ten o'clock were here, you'll get a coo's drink, wi' plenty o' pepper in't, an' get to your bed. Thae washin'-hoose argeymints are affectin' your nervous system, I'm dootin'. Rin, noo, an' see an' stick in."