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Updated: August 1, 2024

And sez Josiah, "It wuz dretful affectin'. It brought tears from me, to hear on't. I thought what if it had been you, Samantha!" "Wall," sez I, "I don't see no occasion for tears, unless you would have been sorry to had me brung to." "Oh!" sez Josiah, "I didn't think! I guess I have cried in the wrong place." Sez I coldly, "I should think as much." And Josiah put on his hat and hurried out.

An' here's where I performed the greatest stunts of my life. I hed on my big spurs, an' I jest sit down an' rid an' spurred till thet pertickler buffalo I was on got near another, an' then I'd flop over. Thusly I got to the edge of the herd, tumbled off'n the last one, an' rescooed the gurl. "Well, as my memory takes me back, thet was a most affectin' walk home to the little town where she lived.

"That bump on the head is still affectin' you, I reckon. Four thousand shucks!" He laughed. "Well, I ain't seen it if that's any consolation to you. If you'd had it when you come here I'd sure seen it." "Who brought me here?" "Dale and his first deputy the guy you poked in the stummick, over in the Okar Hotel. They tell me you fi't like hell! What's Dale got ag'in' you?

He had somethin' the matter with one eye; well, he knew I know'd that when I was a boy; so one day, a feller presented a petition to him, and he told him it was very affectin'. Says he, 'it fairly draws tears from me, and his weak eye took to lettin' off its water like statiee so as soon as the chap went, he winks to me with t'other one, quite knowin', as much as to say, 'You see it's all in my eye, Slick, but don't let on to any one about it, that I said so. That eye was a regular cheat, a complete New England wooden nutmeg.

"It's real affectin'," said Miss Ruey, "I can't all the while help a-thinkin' of the Psalm, "'So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail, smiling solace of an hour; So quick our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die."

He read the following in his big, blustering voice: "'In all matters affectin' Miss Keeves's educational qualifications, I find her comme il faut, with the possible exception of freehand drawing, which is not all that a fastidious taste might desire.

'And here's the shilling, said Jackson. 'It's from Dodson and Fogg's. 'And it's uncommon handsome o' Dodson and Fogg, as knows so little of me, to come down vith a present, said Sam. 'I feel it as a wery high compliment, sir; it's a wery honorable thing to them, as they knows how to reward merit werever they meets it. Besides which, it's affectin' to one's feelin's. As Mr.

"They call me The Coyote, an' they'll have me live up to the name whether I want to or not," he added bitterly. "But, Roger, you're forgetting what I said about the trails and the compass." "No, Laura, I'm not, but there's another force besides the big lodestone that's affectin' that compass." "Roger, you're thinking of an enemy!" He did not answer her.

It was dretful pretty talk, and middlin' affectin'. There wasn't a dry eye in Josiah Allen's head, and I didn't make no objection to his givin' vent to his feelin's, only when I see him bust out a-weepin' I jest slipped my pocket-handkerchief 'round his neck and pinned it behind. He had on a new vest. Submit Tewksbury cried and wept, and wept and cried, caused by remembrances, it wuz spozed.

And so, in time, Lommedieu was gone out o' folks's minds, much as a last year's apple-blossom. "It's relly affectin' to think how little these 'ere folks is missed that's so much sot by. There ain't nobody, ef they's ever so important, but what the world gets to goin' on without 'em, pretty much as it did with 'em, though there's some little flurry at fust.

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