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The gang that saw the proceedin's said the good-bys wan't affectin'. Colton didn't shed any tears and young Carver seemed to be pretty down at the mouth." "But what makes you think he has gone for good?" I asked. "Why, Alvin Baker was there, same as he usually is, and he managed to be nigh enough to hear the last words if there had been any." "And there were not?" "Nothin' to amount to much.

You get me so mixed up I shan't know what I AM sayin' pretty soon. Well, anyhow, what happened was that the child's mother and father neglected it on account their fashionable goin's-on, and the child up and died. 'Twas the most affectin' thing. There was the child a-dyin', and the mother and father cryin', and the old grandfather goin' all to pieces " "All to pieces! That's worse than paralysis.

But I guess its affectin' her serious, fur she does 'pear to feel the wust she ever did, and I used to say, sometimes, when the doctor was brung hum dead drunk, she couldn't feel no wuss if he was really dead; but them times was nothin' to the way she broke down the night he died.

You might as well catch a weazel asleep as catch him. He had somethin the matter with one eye well, he knew I know'd that when I was a boy; so one day, a feller presented a petition to him, and he told him it was very affectin.

Then he lifted his hat, whirled on his heel, an 'stalked inside like as if he was a colonel. Bill Andrews was purty tol'able low-spirited; but he handed out as affectin' an excuse as he could dream up, and as soon as Barbie had spoke her piece he slouched into the office purty consid'able cargoed up with conflictin' emotions.

Reckon I'll read a piece myself and see what it is that's so affectin'. It ain't a very big book, but it seems to have tremendous power." She sat down and began to read aloud, in a curiously unsympathetic voice which grated abominably upon her unwilling listener: "'Ask yourself, my Love, whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, so destroyed my freedom.

"Thar," continued Allen, as his now subdued captive relaxed his struggling, "ye 'r' better, and so am I. It's quieter here now, and ye ain't affectin' my heart so bad. A little fresh air will make us both all right." He turned again to Kane in his former subdued confidential manner. "Would ye mind openin' that door?" Kane flew to the door, unlocked it, and held it wide open.

To execution dock, While thousands round me flock, To see me on the block, I must go, I must go. "There was a good deal more on't," said Sam, pausing, "but I don't seem to remember it; but it's real solemn and affectin'." "Who was Capt. Kidd, Sam?" said I.