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"Let be, Addy, let be. Ben will be joking. Why, he's i' the right to laugh at me I canna help laughing at myself." "I shan't loose him till he promises to let the door alone," said Adam. "Come, Ben, lad," said Seth, in a persuasive tone, "don't let's have a quarrel about it. You know Adam will have his way. You may's well try to turn a waggon in a narrow lane.

He drank long and with avidity; and then setting down the jug once more, partook of some bread, looking down the while at his little benefactor, and ending by saying: "Why, Addy, what a nice girl you have grown!" "Have I!" she said laughingly.

Aunt Barbara said she would not tell, for if you knew it, you would you would despise me; and you," looking at Lord de la Poer, "would never let me play with Grace and Addy again!" She covered her face with her hands it was all burning red; and she was nearly rushing off, but she felt herself lifted tenderly upon a knee, and an arm round her.

I know I shall have a better time if Thane isn't in the party. To be perfectly frank with you, I'm jolly well fed up with Mary, as we say in London. And if Thane was along I'd HAVE to talk to her for three solid Why, 'pon my soul, Alix, you're blushing!" "Don't be silly!" "Skip along, Addy, and see how quickly you can dress," interposed his sister briskly. "You've got forty-six minutes."

When I remarked that he must see a good bit of the chaps who live in New York City, he told me he had been sick ever since he came home from England and hadn't seen one of the crowd. He said he knew Pottle, and Fay, and Tyler, Sudbery and several others, so I'm going to write to all of them tomorrow." "It would be terrible, Addy, if she were to "

She would not have grudged Leam the duke's son, could she have secured him, but she did grudge her Edgar Harrowby. It would be such a nice match for Addy, who was getting on now, and whose temper at home was trying; and she had hoped fervently that this year would see the matter settled.

"Well fare thee, Allan, who in mother tongue So sweetly hath of breathless Addy sung: His endless fame thy nat'ral genius fired, And thou hast written as if he inspired. 'Richy and Sandy, who do him survive, Long as thy rural stanzas last, shall live." The grotesque in poetry could scarcely go farther. Mr.

"Four o'clock, girls! and, if we're not back to prayers by five, we'll be missed," said the tallest of these foolish virgins, with an aquiline nose, and certain quiet elan that bespoke the leader, as she rose from her seat. "Have you got the books, Addy?" Addy displayed three dissipated-looking novels under her waterproof. "And the provisions, Carry?"

Isn't he good enough for her?" He lowered his voice. The frown of perplexity deepened in his eyes. "I can't make him out, Mary," he said, lowering his voice. "What do you mean?" she asked quickly. "Well, I may be doing him the rottenest injustice, but somehow he doesn't ring quite true to me." "For goodness sake, Addy, " she began, and then: "In what way? Hurry up! Tell me before she comes down.

Addy and I went to Hingham, Massachusetts, where I had been appointed temporary pastor of the Methodist Church. There Mrs. Addy was taken ill, and as she grew steadily worse we returned to Boston to live near the best available physicians, who for months theorized over her malady without being able to diagnose it. At last her father, Captain Crowell, sent to Paris for Dr.