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There are many of my readers who recall the popular players of years ago McBride, Wright, Fisler, Sensenderfer, McMullen, Start, Brainard, Gould, Leonard, Dean, Spalding, Sweeney, Radcliffe, McDonald, Addy, Pierce, and a score of others. Among them all I recall none still in the field.

Then her eyes narrowed suddenly. "Don't don't you think he's straight, Addy?" she half-whispered. "I confess I'm puzzled. I never dreamed of doubting him when I went there. But I've been doing a lot of thinking since I saw him, and, by George, Mary, I'm up a tree. Good Lord, if he should be well, if he should be putting something over on Alix, he ought to be shot, that's all.

Between Withers and Adelaide the relations were plainer; indeed, before the small Splurge set they appeared as avowed lovers. Toward "Addy" Withers was all elegant devotion and gracious gallantry, knight-like in his chivalric and debonair devoir. For Withers Addy was, openly, all deference and tenderly wistful solicitude, but in secret not all security and exultation.

"Because your esteemed friends here do not allow me soap, water, and towel. I say, Addy, if I lower down a piece of string, will you send me a jug of water?" "Same as I did the milk? Oh, of course!" said the girl laughing. "All right," said Hilary; "get it, please."

Mother Carey sends them to warn seafarers of approaching storms and bids them go out all over the seas to show the good birds the way home. You'll have your hands full if you're going to be Mother Carey's chickens." "I'd love to show good birds the way home!" said Gilbert. "Can a naughty bird show a good bird the way home, Addy?"

"Nay, nay: Addy likes a ride on my shoulder. I can carry him so for a bit." A kindness which young Addy acknowledged by drumming his heels with promising force against Uncle Seth's chest. But to walk by Dinah's side, and be tyrannized over by Dinah's and Adam's children, was Uncle Seth's earthly happiness. "Where didst see him?" asked Seth, as they walked on into the adjoining field.

Hilary reached one arm down and Adela Norland reached one arm up, but when they had strained to the utmost a good six feet intervened between Hilary's hand and the slice of bread. "Oh, I say, how tantalising!" he cried, giving a shake at the bars. "Make haste, Addy, and do something. Isn't there a ladder?" "No," she said, shaking her head. "I'll get a chair."

He was not aware of her entrance until she appeared directly in front of him. "Hello!" he exclaimed, blinking. "What is on your mind, Addy?" He glanced over his shoulder. "Where is Alix?" "Writing letters. There were two or three she has to get off before we start for town." She sat down on the arm of his chair. "You may as well tell me what you really think of him, Addison.

When they et a meal, we et ourn, and it made it ever so much home-liker to have their company. When they had a wedding that night, and Buck and Addy got married, we got ourselves up in the very starchiest of the professor's duds for the blow-out, and when they danced we jined in and shook a foot up there.

"It don't seem as if 'twas Addy," she said over and over again, "but I feel safe about her now, to what I did," and Mrs. Jake and Mrs. Martin, good helpful souls and brimful of compassion, went to and fro with their usual diligence almost as if this were nothing out of the common course of events. Mrs.