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Some 's got one way o' looking at things and some 's got another." "Nay, nay, Addy, thee mean'st me no unkindness," said Seth, "I know that well enough. Thee't like thy dog Gyp thee bark'st at me sometimes, but thee allays lick'st my hand after." All hands worked on in silence for some minutes, until the church clock began to strike six.

As they turned toward him, they saw it was a man wrapped in a handsome sealskin cloak, wearing a sealskin cap; his face, half concealed by a muffler of the same material, disclosing only a pair of long mustaches, and two keen dark eyes. "It's a son of old Santa Claus!" whispered Addy. The girls tittered audibly as they tumbled into the sleigh: they had regained their former spirits.

"I say, Addy, dear, how about that milk?" "That's what I was thinking," said the girl; "I can't push that up to you on the stick." "No," said Hilary, munching away. "What are we to do?" "I don't know, Hil." "I do."

I say, Addy, drink some of it, there's a good girl; it would be a pity to spill any." Adela hesitated a moment, and then placed the jug to her lips, Hilary watching her attentively the while. "Steady," he cried excitedly; "steady! Don't drink it all." "Oh, Hilary," said the girl laughing, "what a greedy boy you are! You're just as bad as you used to be over the cider." "Can't help it," he said.

"I'm content, Addy, I'm content," said Seth cheerfully. "I'll be an old bachelor, belike, and make a fuss wi' thy children."

"We'd never get across that field again," said Addy. "Let's stop at the first house, then," said Carry. "The first house," said Addy, peering through the gathering darkness, "is Squire Robinson's." She darted a mischievous glance at Carry, that, even in her discomfort and fear, brought the quick blood to her cheek.

He shook his head mournfully. "No, Addy. I cannot give my word of honour not to escape," he said; "because I hope to get away at the first opportunity." "Then join our cause," cried Adela. "No," he said, shaking his head, "I cannot join your cause, Addy, because I am an officer appointed in the king's name to serve in one of King George's vessels. I should be a traitor if I forsook my colours."

"It's this way, Addy dear," said Nancy, cuddling up to his waistcoat and giving a sigh of delight that there were so many nice people in the world. "It's just this way. First there's mother, and then all round mother there's a wide, wide space; and then father and you come next the space."

He sat watching the place still, but without hope. Now and then the girl's words came to him. "I seem like a wild beast in a cage, do I?" he said laughing. "Very good, Miss Addy; then I must gnaw my way out."