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"Oh, Mary-Jane, come out in the lane, The moon is a-shinin' in the old pecan; Oh, Mary-Jane, don't you hear me a-sayin' I'll sing you the song of Harrigan! "So hurrah for King Coal, and his fat pay-roll, And his wheels of industree! Hurrah for his pipe, and hurrah for his bowl And hurrah for you and me! "Oh, Liza-Ann, come out with me, The moon is a-shinin' "

But I took holt of his arm and drawed him back, and I pinted down the long, beautiful distance, the glorious view bounded by the snowy sculptured heights of palaces long, green, flower-gemmed avenues of beauty with the blue waters a-shinin' calm behind towerin' statutes of marvellous conception, and sez I "Behold a vista!" He put on his specs and looked clost, and sez he

There was all kinds o' wires a-wrigglin' aroun' on the ground an' a-shinin' in the sun, an' the' was white keys an' black keys an' the greatest lot o' them little woolly things that strikes the strings all mixed up with little bits o' mahogany an' nuts an' bolts an' little scraps o' red flannel an' leather, an' pegs an' bits o' iron that didn't look as if it had ever been any part o' the machine.

'Now, says 'e, very quiet, 'you needn't be afraid of my bein' 'ard on 'er, but if ever I meet 'im, I'll 'ave 'is blood, if I swing for it, and I'm goin' to swear it on this 'ere Bible so help me God! He looked like a mad thing; his eyes was a-shinin' like lanterns, and 'is face all pulled out of its proper shape; and 'e plumps down on 'is knees there, on the deck, with the Bible in 'is 'ands.

What he says he will do he'll stick to, if I'm any judge o' human natur. Of course it ain't for me to guess why he should fling off in this fashion. Are ye sure he's fond o' your lass?" "Sure? Ay, as sure as I am that yon is the sun an' not the moon a-shinin' in the sky." "H'm! that's strange. An' they've had no quarrel?" "None that I knows on. Moreover, they ain't bin used to quarrel.

"How do you happen to be indebted to me in that amount?" "You gave me a quarter for a-shinin' your boots, yesterday mornin', and couldn't wait for the change. I meant to have brought it before, but I forgot all about it till this mornin'." "It had quite slipped my mind also. But you don't look like the boy I employed. If I remember rightly he wasn't as well dressed as you." "No," said Dick.

This one ain't been used to fightin' or even to providin' for hisself, and more like he's somewhere round the Park a'hidin' an' a'shiverin' of, and if he thinks at all, wonderin' where he is to get his breakfast from. Or maybe he's got down some area and is in a coal cellar. My eye, won't some cook get a rum start when she sees his green eyes a-shinin' at her out of the dark!

"Why oh, ain't you a flat, though? why, them there boots!" "What boots? Why can't you talk sense?" "Why, that there bloke's boots. When I was a-shinin' of 'em, if the sole of one on 'em don't come clean off!" he cried, with a grin. "I don't see anything so very amusing in that," I replied.

Only when the words wuz said that made her Tom's wife, her cheeks flushed up as no white lily ever did, even under the sun's rosiest rays. But a sun wuz a-shinin' on her that went beyend any earthly sun it wuz the rays of the great planet Love that illuminated her face, and lit up her glorified eyes with the light that wuz never on sea nor on shore.

And as my companion looked down in my face as the time approached, I could see the same thoughts that wuz writ in my eyes a-shinin' in his'n. Wall, as the pinter approached the hour, the excitement grew nearly, if not quite rampant.