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He held up his shaking hands, and watched them wonderingly, and then cupped one over each trembling knee to steady himself. He outlined his dry lips with the tip of his tongue, and breathed in heavy gusts. He glanced toward the thorn tree. "Left his gun," he hoarsely whispered, "an' it's fine as a fiddle. Lock, stock, an' barrel just a-shinin'. An' all that heap o' leather fixin's.

"Oh, the locus'-trees a-blowin'," she sang, softly. "An' the moon a-shinin' through them. An' the starlight an' pink roses; an' Amanthis an' Amanthis!" She hummed it over and over until Walker had finished carrying the dishes away. It was a strange thing that the Colonel's unfrequent moods of tenderness were like those warm days that they call weather-breeders.

"And these things a-shinin' down over the bed: who's these?" said Flyaway, dancing about the room, with "opened-out" eyes. "Don't you know? That's Christ blessing little children," said Dotty, gently. "I always know Him by the rainbow round His head." "Aureole," corrected Aunt Madge. "But wasn't it just like a rainbow red, blue and green?"

It war leyke as thoo His feeace cam a-glisterin' an' a-shinin' through t' mist. An' iver sence then, miss, aa've jest felt as thoo aa could a' cut an' stackt all t' wood on t' fell in naw time at a'!" And he waved his hand round the mountain side which was covered with plantation.