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Updated: August 3, 2024

"But it was kind o' foolishness." "Wouldn't you feel that way now?" demanded the artist. "I don't believe I would," said Uncle William, slowly. "It's a kind o' wicked feelin' when the sun's a-shinin' jest the same, and the water's movin' up and down, " he motioned toward the harbor, "and the boats are comin' in at night, settlin' down like birds, and the lights."

But it ain't jes seein' the good in folks an' sayin' nice things when you're feelin' good. The way to git cheerful is to smile when you feel bad, to think about somebody else's headache when yer own is 'most bustin', to keep on believin' the sun is a-shinin' when the clouds is thick enough to cut. Nothin' helps you to it like thinkin' more 'bout other folks than about yerself."

And one summer he begun to fail up faster and faster, and he got so tired he couldn't hardly hold his head up, but he was scaret all the same. And one day he was layin' on the bed, and lookin' out o' the east winder, and the sun kep' a-shinin' in his eyes till he shet 'em up, and he fell asleep. He had a real good nap, and when he woke up he went out to take a walk.

And so on and on as long as the moon was a-shinin' on a college campus. It was a mixture of happy nonsense and that questioning with which modern youth has begun to trouble its elders. As a marching tune, the song was a trifle swift for the grades of a mountain canyon; Warner could stop and shout to the canyon-walls, and listen to their answer, and then march on again.

"Yes, I've taken Robert down town the first time for more than a year. Oh, it seemed just like old times to take him to his office again." Drusilla looked at her smilingly. "Well, it seems to have made you pert-lookin' this mornin'. Your face is a-shinin'. Do you take one lump or two? Cream? Is that the right color? I'm particular about the color of my coffee." "Yes, that's just right.

But the moonlight war mightily slivered up, fallin' through the needles of the pines an' the skeins of dead vines, an' looked bleached and onnatural, an' holped the dark mighty leetle. An' they seen the water a-shinin' an' a-plungin' down the gorge, an' the glistenin' of the frost on the floor o' the bredge.

It frightens me to death. It sounds like the spirits of people who are dead." She shivered again, the cutting rasp from the chimney place stinging her with fright. "It air spirits," replied Tess softly. "There air one kind of spirits for the sun when it air a-shinin', and the waves just a-ripplin' over the lake. They air good spirits.

And she looked, and she see he was p'intin' to the beautif'lest little plant you never see, straight and nice, with little bits o' soft green leaves, with the sun a-shinin' through 'em, and, well, somehow, you never can get it through your head how mothers take in things, she knowed cert'in sure that was her little berry. The Angel begun to speak.

Well, and they went away, and the preacher that same back end o' th' year were appointed to another circuit, as they call it, and I were left alone on Greenhow Hill. 'I tried, and I tried hard, to stick to th' chapel, but 'tweren't th' same thing at after. I hadn't 'Liza's voice to follow i' th' singin', nor her eyes a-shinin' acrost their heads.

Claude," she would say as she stood at the sink washing the supper dishes, "it's broad daylight over where Miss Enid is, ain't it? Cause the world's round, an' the old sun, he's a-shinin' over there for the yaller people." From time to time, when they were working together, Mrs. Wheeler told Mahailey what she knew about the customs of the Chinese.

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