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As we have seen, the production of Fromont jeune et Risler aine marked the beginning of Daudet's more than twenty years of successful novel-writing. His first elaborate study of Parisian life, while it indicated no advance of the art of fiction, deserved its popularity because, in spite of the many criticisms to which it was open, it was a thoroughly readable and often a moving book.

Douay, Béthune, St Venant and Aine fell, one after the other, the French army keeping watch behind its strongly fortified lines. This was a very meagre result, but Marlborough now felt his position to be so insecure that he dared not take any risks.

"J'ai tenu a me joindre a ceux qui lui ont rendu les derniers devoirs; et j'ai charge alors votre fils aine et votre beau-frere d'etre mes interpretes aupres de vous. "A des malheurs comme celui qui vient de vous frapper il n'y a pas de consolation possible.

"I've only arranged for a week's holiday," Lorr aine replied. "What a nuisance you should be unable to come this week." As a matter of fact, Hal was only going out for the day with her cousin on Sunday, but an urgent little note from Sir Edwin had begged her to keep Saturday free for him; and because the suspense was becoming unendurable, she granted his request, determined to know the truth.

The Fairy Host went in one direction and the Fianna in another, and Fergus was left standing sorrowfully by the Fairy Rowan Tree. Fergus thought and thought how he might leave off watching it and be with Aine', his bride. At last he bethought him of a Giant who lived on a rocky island with only a flock of goats for his possessions.

To-day he must renounce these cherished habits, must leave the pipe in its case because of the smoke, and, as soon as he has swallowed the last mouthful, run hastily and dress, for his wife insists that he must come up during the afternoon and pay his respects to the ladies. What a sensation in the factory when they see Risler Aine come in, on a week-day, in a black frock-coat and white cravat!

I approached him, touched the handkerchief, saying expressively, 'Metoua aîné mère, et tata frère; I added, pointing to the sea, 'pay canot. But, alas! they did not appear to understand my words. The chief thought I wished to rob him of his handkerchief, and repelled me roughly.

Born in 1840, died in 1897; educated at Lyons; settled in Paris in 1857 and began to write poems and sketches for newspapers and periodicals; his "Fromont Jeune et Risler Ainé" published in 1874, "Jack" in 1876, "Numa Roumestan" in 1881, "Tartarin sur les Alps" in 1885; author of many other works of fiction. No one was astonished at hearing she was going to marry again.

Pere Achille informed him that the ladies were at their respective country seats where the partners joined them every evening. Fromont Jeune had left the factory very early; Risler Aine had just gone. Frantz decided to speak to old Sigismond.

They were captured by the heroic garrison when the English, in 1433, made their last great effort to obtain possession of the rock. Beyond these, one passes through the barbican to the Cour de la Herse, which is largely occupied by the Hotel Poulard Aine. Then one passes through the Porte du Roi, and enters the town proper.