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His first important novel, "Fromont Jeune et Risler Aine," 1874, enjoyed a notable success; it was followed in 1876 by "Jack," in 1878 by "Le Nabob," in 1879 by "Les Rois en Exil," in 1881 by "Numa Roumestan," in 1883 by "L'Evangeliste," and in 1884 by "Sapho." These are the seven great romances of modern French life on which the reputation of Alphonse Daudet as a novelist is mainly built.

One fine day the Prochassons appeared, and offered three hundred thousand francs simply for an interest in the patent rights. "What shall we do?" Fromont Jeune asked Risler Aine. The latter shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Decide for yourself. It doesn't concern me. I am only an employe."

One night, near the end of January, old Sigismond Planus, cashier of the house of Fromont Jeune and Risler Aine, was awakened with a start in his little house at Montrouge by the same teasing voice, the same rattling of chains, followed by that fatal cry: "The notes!" "That is true," thought the worthy man, sitting up in bed; "day after to-morrow will be the last day of the month.

"They will weary up here in this sma' room, the poor bairns, instead of running about on their aine free heathery hills, and I must na' spare the time to take them out on the links just now till their clays are ready, and I can send them to school." One of those admirable institutions in Scotland for the education of all classes enabled Janet to carry out her project without difficulty.

One fine day the Prochassons appeared, and offered three hundred thousand francs simply for an interest in the patent rights. "What shall we do?" Fromont Jeune asked Risler Aine. The latter shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Decide for yourself. It doesn't concern me. I am only an employe."

One of the numerous ephemeral journals which the young and old jeunesse of the Latin Quarter is constantly creating has made a very clever caricature of the picture in a sort of Pompeian style. Death is represented by the grinning figure of Coquelin ainé. The legend is "'La Jeune Fille et la Mort, or Coquelin ainé, presenting Sarah Bernhardt the bill of costs of her fugue."

On the premises of Fromont Jeune and Risler Aine, Sigismond Planus is the god of the establishment at that season, and his little office a sanctuary where all the clerks perform their devotions. In the silence of the sleeping factory, the heavy pages of the great books rustle as they are turned, and names called aloud cause search to be made in other books. Pens scratch.

From the Due de Nemours Bushey Park, 15 juin. J'ai a la fois des remerciments et des felicitations a vous adresser pour avoir pris la peine de chercher de qui emanait l'aimable article du 'Times' sur mon fils aine, et pour l'avoir si bien decouvert. Le compliment est assurement de tres bon gout, et j'y suis tres sensible.

Not till then did Mademoiselle Planus recognize Risler Aine, whom she had not seen since the days of the New Year's calls, that is to say, some time before the dramas at the factory. She could hardly restrain an exclamation of pity; but the grave taciturnity of the two men told her that she must be silent. "Mademoiselle Planus, my sister, you will put clean sheets on my bed.

The Fairies went, and Mananaun and Aine' went before them all. Fergus marched at the head of his troop with the rowan berry still hanging from his mouth. And as he went he bit the stalk and the berry fell to the ground. Fergus never heeded that. When the feast was over he went to where Mananaun stood with his daughter. Aine' gave him her hand.