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Updated: August 17, 2024

Never mind, I took Zephyr's head in my arms and kept on talking to him, telling him all the kind thoughts I had in my heart, that he was a good horse, that I loved him dearly, that I should never forget him. He listened to me, he seemed to be so pleased! Then he had another long convulsion, and so he died, with his big vacant eyes fixed on me till the last.

Breathes the scent of musk when they rise to rove, * As the Zephyr's breath with the flavour o'clove. It is made evident by dogs and other fine-nosed animals that every human being has his, or her, peculiar scent which varies according to age and health. Hence animals often detect the approach of death. "Kahla." This has been explained. Mohammed is said to have been born with "Kohl'd eyes."

"Walkin' home alone?" Harley P. was much concerned. "Not that I'm fishin' for an invitation to see you safe to the Hat Ranch, because that'd start talk, an' anyhow I ain't one o' the presumin' kind an' you know it; but it's dark an' the zephyr's blowin' like sixty, an' if there was one hobo on that freight I come in on there was a dozen." "Why, I didn't realize it was so late," Donna answered.

"Ready pull!" he continued. The stroke was very slow, and each coxswain was obliged to keep his boat in line with the others, the flag boat regulating their speed. When the squadron had reached the upper part of the lake, the pennant was dropped, and up went a red flag. "Cease rowing!" said all the coxswains, except the Zephyr's. Then the red flag was lowered, and a blue one was hoisted.

To be disappointed is not the same thing as to be deceived. True, you are not, as I hoped, supercargo, but the conditions are not otherwise altered. You wished to go to India well, Zephyr's jocund breezes, as Catullus hath it, will waft you thither: we are flying to the bright cities of the East. No fragile bark is this, carving a dubious course through the main, as Seneca, I think, puts it.

Gently, gently, I tried to free my leg, but it was no use; Zephyr's weight must have been fully up to that of the five hundred thousand devils. He was warm still.

We desire such critics to remember that it is the same English climate, in which, on the lovely 10th of June, under a serene sky, the amorous Jacobite, kissing the odoriferous zephyr's breath, gathers a nosegay of white roses to deck the whiter breast of Celia; and in which, on the 11th of June, the very next day, the boisterous Boreas, roused by the hollow thunder, rushes horrible through the air, and, driving the wet tempest before him, levels the hope of the husbandman with the earth, dreadful remembrance of the consequences of the Revolution.

Here the true spouse the lost-beloved regains, And on the enamelled couch of summer-plains Mingles sweet kisses with the zephyr's breath. Here, crowned at last, love never knows decay, Living through ages its one bridal day, Safe from the stroke of death!

"By his eyelash tendril curled, by his slender waist I swear, By the dart his witchery feathers, fatal hurtling through the air; By the just roundness of his shape, by his glances bright and keen By the swart limping of his locks, and his fair forehead shining sheen; By his eyebrows which deny that she who looks on them should sleep, Which now commanding, now forbidding, o'er me high dominion keep; By the roses of his cheek, his face as fresh as myrtle wreath His tulip lips, and those pure pearls that hold the places of his teeth; By his noble form, which rises featly turned in even swell To where upon his jutting chest two young pomegranates seem to dwell By his supple moving hips, his taper waist, the silky skin, By all he robbed Perfection of, and holds enchained his form within; By his tongue of steadfastness, his nature true, and excellent, By the greatness of his rank, his noble birth, and high descent, Musk from my love her savour steals, who musk exhales from every limb And all the airs ambergris breathes are but the Zephyr's blow o'er him.

By and by, on a gentle breeze springing up from the southward and westward, Master Bob, boylike, suggested their slipping the Zephyr's moorings and going for a little sail out into the offing. "We needn't run very far," he said. "Say, only to the fort there and back again, you know." But Dick would not hear of the proposal. "No, Master Bob, not lest the Cap'en gived orders," he remonstrated.

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