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"Frank!" shouted Captain Sedley, who was at the helm, while Uncle Ben was gazing at them with a very sorrowful face from the half deck. "Ay, ay, sir!" replied Frank, as he laid the Zephyr's course towards the sailboat.

Tim Bunker dropped his oar at this announcement, and was on the point of rising to get a better view of the Zephyr's rival, when the handle of William Bright's oar gave him a smart rap in the back. "Mind out!" said Tim. "Don't you know any better than to hit a feller in that way?" "Cease rowing!" called Frank, as he saw Tim's first involuntarily double up, and his eye flash with anger.

"Soft flow'd the lay by Avon's sedgy side, While o'er its streams the drooping willow hung Beneath whose shadow Silvio fondly tried To check the opening roses as they sprung. In vain he bade them cease to court the gale, That wanton'd balmy on the zephyr's wing; In vain, when Philomel renew'd her tale, He chid her song, and said 'It was not Spring.

"You had better go home; you will catch cold," continued Frank. "We must wait for the fellows." "No, you shall take six of the Zephyr's crew, and pull home as fast as you can, and we will wait for the rest." "We can do no more good here; so we may as well go. Thank you for your offer, Frank, and I will accept it.

We desire such critics to remember that it is the same English climate, in which, on the lovely 10th of June, under a serene sky, the amorous Jacobite, kissing the odoriferous zephyr's breath, gathers a nosegay of white roses to deck the whiter breast of Celia; and in which, on the 11th of June, the very next day, the boisterous Boreas, roused by the hollow thunder, rushes horrible through the air, and, driving the wet tempest before him, levels the hope of the husbandman with the earth, dreadful remembrance of the consequences of the Revolution.

"Lebnum, young marster, if you please! Lebnum! w'ich dere is no paff an' no way o' gettin' to de top o' dis wes' range, jes' 'cause 'tis too orful steep; but ef you go 'bout fo' mile up de road, you'd come to a paff leadin' zigzag, wall o' Troy like, up to Siffier's Roos'." "Zephyr's what?" "Roos', marster. Yes, sar. W'ich so 'tis call 'cause she usen to roos' up dar, jes' like ole turkey buzzard.

About two or three weeks after this sapient communication with Aubrey, the most charming person in the world presented himself a candidate /pour le supreme bonheur de soigner Monsieur le Comte/. Intelligence beamed in his eye; a modest assurance reigned upon his brow; respect made his step vigilant as a zephyr's; and his ruffles were the envy of the world!

At this interrogation, her features softened into an amazing expression of condescending love; and, while she darted a side glance that thrilled to his marrow, and heaved a sigh more soft than Zephyr's balmy wing, her answer was, "Why ay and heaven grant me patience to bear the humours of such a yoke-fellow."

Dreamers, hypochondriacs, somnambulists; who, from the cark and care of outer Mardi fleeing, in the poppy's jaded odors, seek oblivion for the past, and ecstasies to come. Open-eyed, they sleep and dream; on their roof-trees, grapes unheeded drop. In Nora-Bamma, whispers are as shouts; and at a zephyr's breath, from the woodlands shake the leaves, as of humming-birds, a flight.

When they came abreast of the Zephyr's boat-house, they discovered that Uncle Ben was on board the Sylph, which lay moored at a short distance from the shore. Bang! went the cannon which the veteran had again rigged on the bow of the sail-boat. And as they passed down the lake, Uncle Ben blazed away in honor of the fraternal hug between the two clubs.