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Bobby stole up to bed in an exalted frame of mind. When Margot came to wish him good night, he looked up at her with big eyes. 'You go to sleep, Master Bobby, or you will never be ready to get up to-morrow. 'It's a most wunnerful day coming, said Bobby, 'but I wish I could cut myself in halves.

"And why," said I, "why did he hang himself?" "Seein' e' 'ad no friends, and never told nobody nobody never knowed," answered the old man, shaking his head, "but on that theer stapil 'e 'ung 'isself, an' on that theer stapil I fund 'im, on a stormy night sixty and six year ago come August." "You have a wonderful memory!" said I. "Ay, to be sure; a wunnerful mem'ry, a wunnerful mem'ry!"

Don't you know dat fried meat is de bes' kin' in de worl'? W'y, de las' fambly dat I lived wid dat uz ol' Jedge Johnson he said dat I beat anybody fryin' he evah seen; said I fried evahthing in sight, an' he said my fried food stayed by him longer than anything he evah e't. Even w'en he paid me off he said it was 'case he thought somebody else ought to have de benefit of my wunnerful powahs.

Bodfish affected the widow visibly, but its effect on the ex-constable nearly upset the bread-pan. "But here," continued Mr. Negget, with another glance at the larder, "he might go on like that for years. He's a wunnerful shy man big, and gentle, and shy. He wanted Lizzie to ask you to tea yesterday." "Now, Mr. Negget," said the blushing widow. "Do be quiet."

But now 'tis wunnerful to me you've been wi' us less than two year'; we've made such friends." At home Taffy bought a small forge and set it up in the church at the west end of the north aisle. Mr. Raymond, under his direction, had been purchasing the necessary tools for some months past, and now the main expense was the cost of coal, which pinched them a little.

We had decided that if we were going to have the pears before the wasps had spoiled them we must pick them at once. "It's a wunnerful crop," said David. Then he mounted the ladder and began to pick the fruit. "Well, I'm blowed," he said, "if they ain't been at 'em a'ready." And he flung down pear after pear scooped out by the wasps close to the stalk.

It seemed a wunnerful good idea, and Bill Chambers said so; and 'e flattered Henery Walker up until Henery didn't know where to look, as the saying is. "And wot's to be done with the hamper when we've got it?" ses Sam Jones. "Have it drawed for agin," ses Henery. "It'll 'ave to be done on the quiet, o' course." Sam Jones stood thinking for a bit.

It seemed a wunnerful good idea, and Bill Chambers said so; and 'e flattered Henery Walker up until Henery didn't know where to look, as the saying is. "And wot's to be done with the hamper when we've got it?" ses Sam Jones. "Have it drawed for agin," ses Henery. "It'll 'ave to be done on the quiet, o' course." Sam Jones stood thinking for a bit.

I'll see what I can do with it when I'm to Mr. Tonkin, and then perhaps we'll all snap our fingers at Parson Boase." "Tom do talk a wunnerful passel o' nonsense," remarked John-James placidly as his brother picked up his boots and went out. But Tom was of the truly great who can always contain themselves when there is nothing to be gained by an explosion, and he disappeared without answering.

Godfrey glanced at him, but Tom remained imperturbable and went on: "They du say it wor a wunnerful smash, what broke off both the wings and nearly flattered out some as stood by. Rum thing, Master Godfrey, that the lightning should have picked out the grave of so good a lady to hit; ondiscriminating thing, lightning is." "Stop talking humbug, Tom. Were you there?" asked Godfrey.