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"They woult like it iff you woult. And he was a goot old man. They tell me to ask if you woult be pleased to come." "If they would like us to come we will come, Mrs. Carré," said Margaret. And so it came about that instead of kneeling before the altar that Wednesday they stood by the graveside. The Red House and the cottage were centres nay, whirlpools of mighty activities for days beforehand.

Lee to marry us." "Oh, but that woult not do. We will keep them all alive till you are married. It woult neffer do to disappoint them all when we are all looking forward to it here." "Very well then, see you all keep alive." "And you will come to old Mr. Hamon's funeral?" "H'm! I don't know. We'll see, Mrs. Carré. We'd sooner be at our own wedding, you know, than at anybody else's funeral."

"There iss no need. I will arrange it, and you will tek your meals in here just as usual. Which room woult you like in the big house?" "I'll go up and have a look round. Does it make any difference to you which I choose? I'd like one with a balcony if it's all the same to you." "It iss all the sem, and I will get it ready for you as soon ass I hear from Mrs. Lee.

"Everything iss there, and all ready for them to come any time they want to. It woult only mean making up a bed and you coult come here for your meals." "That would do first-rate if you can arrange it." "I will write to Mrs. Lee to-day and ask her to tell me by the telegraph. It will be all right." "That's all right then. Who's the wretched person who is turning me out of here?"

There are some people" very scornfully "will not go by the churchyard at night, and" lest so sceptical a mind should provoke reprisal "I do not know that I woult myself. And down by the Coupée But the house there iss too new to have anything like that." "Well, if I see any I'll try and catch one and bring it down to breakfast."

Then Vandover could hear him threshing about uneasily; still half asleep he began to mutter and swear: "Dat's it, r-roll; I woult if I were you; r-roll, dat's righd dhere, soh ah, geep it oop r-roll, you damnt ole tub, yust r-r-roll." The continued pitching, the foul air, and the bitter smoke from the saloonkeepers' cigars became more than Vandover could stand.

Mayor woult be happy to see you, and ter Tominie, dat ist of your party; and ter gentleman dat acted as clerk, ven he lectured old Doortje, Mr. Mayor's cook." Mr. Mayor's cook! Here, then, a secret was out, with a vengeance!

I would willingly have joined the canoes but the brush were so thick, the river crooked and bottoms intercepted in such manner by the beaver dams, that I found it uceless to attempt to find them, and therefore proceeded on up the river in order to intersept it where it came near the plain and woult be more collected into one channel. at length about sunset I arrived at the river only about six miles from my calculation on a direct line from the place I had left the canoes but I thought they were still below me.

I woult die in peace if I coult see him once more my darling son! Bot Got will not haf it so. Then she cried, and I coult no longer stant it. 'Darling Mamma! I say, 'I am your son, I am your Karl! and she fell into my arms." Karl Ivanitch covered his eyes, and his lips were quivering.

"For Owgooste," she confided to him. Owgooste was in a Fauntleroy "costume" very much too small for him. Already he had been crying. "Woult you pelief, Doktor, dot bube has torn his stockun alreatty? Walk in der front, you; stop cryun. Where is dot berliceman?" At the door of the theatre McTeague was suddenly seized with a panic terror. He had lost the tickets.